Hidden Chain

The Hidden Chain was an organization created by Heta Kol around 3626 BBY. It was founded on an unswerving belief that Mandalorians should use their skills in war to further their own agenda, rather than acting as mercenaries for hire. This belief appealed to many clans that had split away from Mandalore the Avenger's forces.

After founding the Hidden Chain, Kol took on the title of Field Marshal as a tribute to the Neo-Crusader movement from centuries past. The name 'Hidden Chain' referred to the hidden chain of proud Mandalorian traditions waiting to drag the unworthy down.


It is unknown exactly when the Hidden Chain was formed but it was confirmed, by Rass Ordo, to be operational two years prior to the Showdown on Ruhnuk when a small group led by Ri'kan Kateen were hired by the Sith Empire for an unknown mission on the planet Belsavis but they encountered a second Mandalorian team, led by Layla Ordo, hired by the Republic which ended in the failure of the Imperial mission and Layla's death.

Heta Kol and the Hidden Chain

Heta Kol and the Hidden Chain

The Hidden Chain remained operational during the Third Galactic War where Heta Kol had been able to recruit many individuals from rogue and exiled Mandalorian clans that she began to use sneak attacks on various Mandalorian vessels out on patrol or escort missions to test the strength of Shae's fleet. It was not until the attack on the Spirit of Vengeance II, when the Hidden Chain announced itself to Shae Vizla, whom the organization declared unfit to rule the Mandalorians, and succeeded in stealing the Cadera banner.

After the attack on the Spirit of Vengeance II, Heta Kol knew that Shae would neglect her duties as Mandalore and focus only on hunting the traitorous Mandalorian so Heta had set up false leads and eliminating loose ends to make Shae's job hard and in the meantime the Hidden Chain regained Ri'kan Kateen as Heta's second-in-command and his sister, Sa'har Kateen, a former Jedi Padawan who sought to reunite with her brother by aiding the Hidden Chain.

The Hidden Chain fleet

The Hidden Chain fleet

Sometime after the capture of Darth Malgus, Shae Vizla had seemingly managed to locate Ruhnuk and enlisted the help of the Alliance Commander to put an end to the Hidden Chain. The duo managed to sneak their way in, only to be outsmarted by Heta Kol, who agreed to a duel requested by Shae to show who is stronger and whose way is the right way. The duel ended abruptly when the full might of Shae's forces arrived on Ruhnuk which led to a decisive battle against the Hidden Chain. The Hidden Chain were losing the battle which led to the majority of their forces to full retreat whilst Heta abandoned Ruhnuk as a base of operations.

The Hidden Chain were present in a meeting with Heta, Ri'Kan, Sa'har and the other leaders where Heta discussed the events on Ruhnuk and how she found out that Bask Sunn had betrayed them by sabotaging her duel against Shae to maximize his profits, excommunicating the entirety of Dar'manda as their enemy. Heta further explained how using Darth Nul's holocron would further advance their final objective and that, in the future, only Heta and Sa'har would possess the full knowledge of the plan to avoid any attempts at undermining the Hidden Chain.

The Hidden Chain, in their new uniform, on Port Nowhere

The Hidden Chain, in their new uniform, on Port Nowhere

The Hidden Chain, now wearing standardized uniform, would later launch multiple attacks across the galaxy, prompting Shae's forces to scramble to neutralize them, spreading the loyalists thin. One such attack on Port Nowhere, was thwarted by the Alliance Commander and Rass Ordo, resulting in the loss of .

Subsequently, the Hidden Chain, led by Tyrus Brokenblade, traveled to Kessan's Landing on Ord Mantell, where they partnered with the local Mantellian Separatist Movement to steal cooling rods from the local geothermal station as well as civilians bold enough to stand up the separatists. The Hidden Chain were only able to escape with half of their assets due to the interference of the Alliance Commander and Petra Nihrum. Tyrus personally faced off against the interlopers, nearly killing Nihrum when Sa'har unexpectedly interfered. After they defeated Tyrus and stopped him from warning Heta of her betrayal, Sa'har informed the Commander that Heta was plotting to build a machine from the blueprints on Darth Nul's holocron and that she was going to steal it back to put a stop to her plans.


The Hidden Chain's structure as an organization is unique as it is comprised of various rogue Mandalorian clans who willingly follow Heta Kol but are also under no obligation to abandon all personal interest. The individual clans that comprise the main force of the Hidden Chain follow their respective clan leader who in turn follow the orders of Heta Kol or Ri'kan Kateen, in Heta's absence. Additionally, not in Heta's presence, the clans tend to not get along well with others due to their unique creed that the clans are notorious for not mixing well with others.

Ash'ad and Clan Varad fighting on Ruhnuk

Ash'ad and Clan Varad fighting on Ruhnuk

Although Sa'har Kateen is not an official Hidden Chain member, she answers only to Ri'kan and Heta due to special circumstances.






