The High Council was the governing council of the Talz village on the planet of Orto Plutonia headed by the "Son of Suns" chieftain Thi-Sen. Following a skirmish on Orto Plutonia, Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, the 501st Legion, and a delegation from the nearby moon of Pantora that included Chairman Chi Cho and Senator Riyo Chuchi, were dispatched by the Galactic Republic to investigate the incident. After Kenobi and Skywalker managed to locate the village, they were able to set up a meeting between the High Council and the Pantoran delegation.
Cho remained steadfast that the Talz were savages, and that Orto Plutonia belonged to Pantora, and thus was not willing to negotiate peace. The following exchange resulted in declarations of war, and a battle soon erupted between the Talz and clone cold assault troopers. By the end of the conflict, Cho died of his wounds, and Chuchi brokered peace after the Speaker of the Assembly had called Cho's actions out of order.