Haor Chall Ring Drive Jell

Haor Chall Ring Drive Jell was a podracer lubricant manufactured by Haor Chall Engineering. The lubricant was kept in a blue bottle with a green cap, with the label in the High Galactic alphabet. Haor Chall and this product were one of two main sponsors for the Vinta Harvest Classic podrace on the planet Malastare in 32 BBY. During the race, announcer Fodesinbeed Annodue advertised the product, with Fode declaring it "the lubricant that the champions rely on." During the Clone Wars, Haor Chall was crippled following the destruction of its factories on the planet Charros IV at the hands of the Galactic Republic. As a result, the company Sienar Fleet Systems absorbed Haor Chall alongside the patent for the Ring Drive Jell.

Haor Chall Ring Drive Jell appeared in the fourteenth issue—written by Timothy Truman and penciled by Tom Lyle—of the 1998 comic series Star Wars: Republic, which was released on January 26, 2000. In the issue, the bottle held by Annodue reads "gel" instead of "jell." As the 2003 reference book The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels re-uses "jell," this article assumes it is the correct spelling. Additionally, Star Wars 14 spells the first word of the product "Hoar" rather than "Haor." As The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels uses the "Haor" spelling, which is in turn consistent with the name of the product's manufacturer Haor Chall Engineering, this article assumes it is the correct spelling.

Behind the scenes

Haor Chall Ring Drive Jell appeared in the fourteenth issue—written by Timothy Truman and penciled by Tom Lyle—of the 1998 comic series Star Wars: Republic, which was released on January 26, 2000. In the issue, the bottle held by Annodue reads "gel" instead of "jell." As the 2003 reference book The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels re-uses "jell," this article assumes it is the correct spelling. Additionally, Star Wars 14 spells the first word of the product "Hoar" rather than "Haor." As The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels uses the "Haor" spelling, which is in turn consistent with the name of the product's manufacturer Haor Chall Engineering, this article assumes it is the correct spelling.


  • The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels



