Imperial hovertrain

The Imperial hovertrain was a type of repulsorlift craft that was used by the Galactic Empire during the Ryloth Insurgency. During the insurgency on Ryloth, Cham Syndulla and his resistance fighters attacked a reservoir that swept away an Imperial hovertrain. The attack was later condemned by Governor Pommel on the TriNebulon News.

The Imperial hovertrain was first mentioned in the 2017 canon reference book, Star Wars: The Rebel Files, authored by Daniel Wallace. The Imperial hovertrain had originally appeared in Star Wars Legends in "The Return of Ben Kenobi", a comic strip released in 1982.

Behind the scenes

The Imperial hovertrain was first mentioned in the 2017 canon reference book, Star Wars: The Rebel Files, authored by Daniel Wallace. The Imperial hovertrain had originally appeared in Star Wars Legends in "The Return of Ben Kenobi", a comic strip released in 1982.


  • Star Wars: The Rebel Files
