Cloned from human stock, these troopers were raised to be pyromaniacs, taught from a young age to burn away insurrection against the New Order. Typically, these troopers would use powerful plasma rifles, or the oppressor flamethrowers. These main weapons were strong enough to burn down entire villages, and even cities. In addition, these troopers also used E-11 blaster rifle, SE-14r blaster pistols, and thermal detonators. They could also utilize thermobaric canisters and mortar launchers to supplement their main armament.
Their armor was exceptionally heat-resistant, able to withstand the high temperatures. The armor bore similar markings to Imperial shock troopers, to intimidate the enemy and indicate their specialized nature.
Incinerator stormtroopers were sent on missions where an example needed to be made. They would march into settlements and burn them to the ground, leaving nothing standing. They did not hesitate to ignite civilian bystanders as well.
During the Clone Wars, the Grand Army of the Republic had specialized clones trained in the use of flamethrowers, it is unknown if these soldiers may have been the inspiration for these stormtroopers.
As dissent grew amongst the Empire's member systems, the Empire needed a way to make an example of systems. The Empire cloned incinerator stormtroopers from a Human's genetic stock, with the intention to turn them into psychopathic pyromaniacs. As they were raised they were trained to develop an incredible desire to burn and destroy. Sent on missions to burn down villages and incite panic, they were usually accompanied by Darth Vader, although they were known to operate without him.
They were sent to Kashyyyk around 2 BBY to quell any potential uprisings during the construction of the Wookiee slave Skyhook. A number of them were also present during the Imperial occupation of Felucia.
Incinerator stormtroopers were also largely responsible for the Ash Ruination of New Plympto, which they won solely with thermobaric canisters. According to Han Solo, they also were responsible for the destruction of Kepitenochan.
Two figures of incinerator troopers are packaged with Darth Vader in a Star Wars: The Force Unleashed action figure pack.
In Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, the incinerator trooper can be unlocked as a secret costume using the code "PHOENIX".
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Prima Official Game Guide
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide