
J'uoch was a Human female who ran a criminal gang along with her twin brother R'all on the Tion Hegemony world of Dellalt during the era of the Galactic Civil War. J'uoch's racket of choice was an illegal mining operation in the planet's mountainous highlands, for which she hired considerable amounts of labor and muscle. In 2 BBY J'uoch attempted to uncover the location of the famed treasure ship known as the Queen of Ranroon—this effort led her into conflict with the Corellian smuggler Han Solo and his crew, and her eventual demise.


A Human female with a nasty disposition, J'uoch grew up rough with her twin brother R'all, eventually growing to run a criminal enterprise off the backwater Tion Hegemony world of Dellalt. J'uoch and R'all's primary racket was an illegal mining operation in the Dellalt mountains, an operation for which they hired significant amounts of contract labor and small-time muscle. Dellalt was a planet steeped in ancient history: the planet was home to the pre-Republic galactic dictator Xim's treasure vaults, and was said to be the final destination of Xim's treasure ship, the Queen of Ranroon, before its mysterious disappearance. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, a laborer in J'uoch's mining camp, Lanni Troujow, discovered what she believed to be the Queen of Ranroons log-recorder, an artifact which had the potential to lead the finder to the ship's fabled treasure. J'uoch and her group, which included fearsome Houk enforcer Egome Fass, became interested in the log-recorder after learning of its existence, but Troujow passed its location to her sister Hasti and their protector Alexsandr "Trooper" Badure before J'uoch had her people kill her.

The surviving Troujow sister and Badure made their way offworld while searching for aid in retrieving the log-recorder, a search that eventually brought them to an old friend of Badure's, the Corellian Han Solo. Solo and his Wookiee first mate Chewbacca accompanied Troujow and Badure back to Dellalt to find the log-recorder, but one of J'uoch's contacts in the nearby spaceport tipped her off to their arrival, allowing them to get the drop on them as as they exited the treasure vaults. J'uoch demanded the location of the log-recorder, and when Troujow did not budge, the confrontation that turned into an all-out firefight. J'uoch's men vastly outnumbered the small Solo crew, and eventually forced them to flee into the fields beyond the port. As a prize, J'uoch took Solo's prized Millennium Falcon for herself, forcing their foes to trudge through the mountains on foot in an effort to recapture their ship. J'uoch and her gang returned to their mining camp, where they greatly increased camp security in the coming days, preparing for the coming clash. It was during the intervening period that J'uoch was approached by a man named Gallandro, a well-renowned gunfighter—having his own grudge against Solo, Gallandro agreed to help J'uoch in her quest for the log-recorder, in exchange for leaving Solo to him when next they met.

The attack came several weeks later, but not from Solo and his crew—instead, J'uoch's camp was assaulted head-on by the Survivors, a group of inbred descendants of Xim's honor guard that had hidden deep within the mountains for generations, and the thousand elite war-robots of Xim's ancient Guardian Corps. J'uoch immediately ordered her underlings to take defensive positions, and a frenzied battle ensued within the mining camp. Solo and his group happened to arrive during the heat of the fight, although J'uoch still had her eyes on the log-recorder, refusing to entertain the idea of parleying with Solo unless his group turned over the artifact. Solo killed R'all during the fighting, sending J'uoch into a rage as she mercilessly attacked Solo on a bridge spanning a large gorge. Her assault on Solo was interrupted by Hasti Troujow, who blindsided J'uoch in a bid to avenge her sister. Troujow soon sent J'uoch tumbling over the side of the bridge to her death, bringing an end to her abortive bid for the Queen of Ranroon.

Personality and traits

A young woman with thick, straight brown hair, black eyes and an intense, pale face, J'uoch had a rough upbringing that honed her and her brother into a composed, lethal criminal. Willing to do anything to get what she wanted, up to and especially including murder, J'uoch had a hot temper and was protective of her brother—when R'all was killed during the fight at her mining camp, he flew into a blind, ferocious rage that only ended when she was pushed to her death.

Behind the scenes

J'uoch first appeared in Han Solo and the Lost Legacy, a novel written by Brian Daley and released in 1980.


  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe
  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
  • Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies
  • Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. II, p. 181






