Leading into Jedi: Fallen Order the upcoming third-person action-adventure Star Wars title from Lucasfilm and Respawn Entertainment, DARK TEMPLE follows the Jedi Master ENO CORDOVA and his impulsive Padawan CERE JUNDA on their most dangerous mission yet. The Jedi Council has sent them to the remote planet Ontotho to oversee the peaceful excavation of a mysterious temple that has been uncovered. But they will come to find that what surrounds the temple may be even more dangerous than the mysteries within it. Clandestine local resistance forces and ruthless corporate security troops in a war for the fate of Ontotho – and the Jedi are caught in the middle!
Around 14 BBY, on the forest planet of Ontotho, a group of stormtroopers are pushing forwards on the planet's last pocket of resistance when they are joined by a masked Inquisitor. When asked about the rumors, the Commander initially dismisses them but after being pressed by the Inquisitor explains that a trooper who has since died believed he saw a lightsaber. With the new information, the Inquisitor commands the troopers to cease fire and pushes forward with a couple of Purge Troopers. The Inquisitor instructs that they wish to capture one of the remaining resistance members. Soon after the pocket of resistance stops firing on the oncoming group of Imperials and the Inquisitor believes one of them to be heading towards the group.
Years earlier, Jedi Master Eno Cordova and his Padawan, Cere Junda, are attempting to resolve a dispute whilst on Nameel. Cere attempts to show a little force as the two sides of the dispute show no sign of backing down. Eno apologies for his Padawan's behavior and suggests they should each talk to each group separately to fully understand the dispute. Cere reminds her master that they are there to settle a dispute and not study the Dupei monks who are involved. Eno explains his actions as ultimately helping them to resolve the dispute before asking Cere to keep things calm whilst he talks to the monks.
Cere is left with the other side of the dispute, a group of Trandoshans who mock Cere with language that the group's translator droid refuses to repeat. A couple of the Trandoshans start arguing and Cere intervenes, tackling one of the aggressors to the ground. The droid informs her that she has intervened in a challenge to Warlord Vurrsk's leadership and of its resultant disrespect. The Trandoshans stop arguing amongst each other and focus on Cere as she fights against the group. Eno remerges to explain the monks caused the dispute before realizing what his apprentice has done. Realizing she was in the wrong, Cere apologies and the two Jedi return to Coruscant.
In front of the Jedi Council, Cere explains her actions as the various members of the council listen. Master Yoda asks Eno further about his padawan's actions but he simply backs his apprentice in response. Master Windu calls the situation complicated before moving on to Eno and Cere's next assignment. They are to travel to Ontotho, who recently joined the Republic to help the planet's agreement with the Daa Corporation into exploring an ancient Ontothon temple. They are chosen supposedly due to Eno's interest in artifacts and ancient cultures, though Cere believes it is the council's punishment for their actions on Nameel.
Three days later, Eno and Cere land on Ontotho and meet the founder of the Daa Corporation, Dylanto Daa. Dylanto commends the Jedi on their timing, and light luggage, as the corporation were just about to send a group in the Fylar region which contains the temple. The situation in complicated, Dylanto explains, as the Fylar region was the only region to not join the unified government which, in turn, joined the Republic. This makes the temple not in Republic territory. The group set off in an armored towards the temple as Eno worries about what the residents of the Fylar region may think of the oncoming caravan.
Soon into their journey, deep into the Fylar Forest, the caravan hears a loud noise near their location. Cere quickly leaps out and runs towards the location, with Eno soon joining her after telling the others in the caravan to stay put. Eno catches up to his apprentice and Cere explains to her master that she sensed a commotion but it faded. Eno tells Cere to reach out to sense that the Force isn't blocked or faded, but rather overwhelming in the area. Eno shows Cere how to use nature to their advantage in the same way as they use the Force and the path is revealed as Cere runs off again with Eno following.
Cere focuses and uncovers a body lying on the ground. She soon hears voices coming from somewhere but cannot determine their location. Eno calls out to Cere and she returns to her master. Cere explains what she encountered and the voices she heard but Eno insists they both stay with the caravan to fulfil their assignment. An explosion interrupts the Jedi Master and separates him from his apprentice. With flames surrounding her, Cere calls out to her master but is soon knocked out.
- UPC 759606094721; September 4, 2019; Marvel Comics