Eno Cordova

Eno Cordova was a human male Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order as a scholar and archaeologist with a deep interest in the ancient civilizations of the galaxy. As a mentor, Cordova was responsible for training Cere Junda and was also a close friend and ally of Qui-Gon Jinn. Cordova eventually became obsessed with the Zeffonians after first encountering the ruins of one of their temples on the planet Ontotho. Sometime during the Clone Wars, while meditating inside an ancient vault on Bogano, Cordova was given a vision of the fall of the Jedi Order.

To preserve the future of the Jedi, he hid a holocron containing the location of all Force-sensitive children within the Bogano Vault, and entrusted everything he had learned during his journeys to his droid, BD-1, hoping that Junda or some other Jedi would continue his mission if he should fail. Eventually, Cordova survived Order 66 and fled to the Unknown Regions where he hoped to find the last remnants of the Zeffo.

When that mission failed though, Cordova redirected his efforts in finding other survivors. He eventually found his former Padawan Cere Junda and together along with the Narkis Anchorites created a cache on the Narkis Desert in Jedha. They eventually formed part of the Hidden Path, a network that smuggled force-sensitives and Jedi away from the Galactic Empire's grasp. Cordova was eventually killed by Bode Akuna when he alerted the Empire of the presence of the cache on Jedha.

Early life

At a young age, Eno Cordova was brought to Coruscant to be trained by the Jedi Order in the ways of the Force, learning to wield it as an ally alongside his blue-bladed lightsaber. Upon his arrival, Cordova met the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn, who took him on a tour of the Jedi Temple to know the place and became a close friend of Cordova. Cordova met Jedi Master Yaddle and enjoyed her company immensely. He described her as strong-willed with a strange sense of humor and as someone who trained harder than anyone his fellow Jedi Master Jaro Tapal knew. A student of ancient history and an explorer at heart, Cordova's service to the Order and the Republic led him across the galaxy to many worlds where he met many representatives of strange cultures and species. Among the contacts he made during his career was the Wookiee chieftain Tarfful of Kashyyyk. After attaining a reputation of a learned scholar, Cordova was granted the rank of Jedi Master and took Cere Junda as his Padawan.

Whilst teaching Junda, she would watch with wide-eyed awe as Cordova told her stories of Jedi artifacts, preserved and passed down to maintain the teachings and the mythology of the Jedi Order, and that were crucial to its inheritance by future generations.

First encounter with the Zeffo

At some point before the Clone Wars, the Jedi High Council sent Cordova and Junda to oversee the excavation of a temple on Ontotho. However, in the process, they were caught up in a battle waged between the Fylar Freedom Fighters and local security forces.

Exploring the Zeffo Vaults

Pursuing rumors and legends, Cordova's pursuit of the Zeffo led him to their ancient homeworld Zeffo, where he eventually discovered a towering edifice which served as the final resting place of the Zeffo Sage Eilram. Within the depths of the tomb, Cordova uncovered clues which led him to believe the Zeffo had once traveled to Kashyyyk. Armed with this knowledge, Cordova sought out his old friend Tarfful for wisdom surround this mystery.

Cordova kept a hidden holocron on the planet Bogano that could be used to rebuild the Jedi Order.

Cordova kept a hidden holocron on the planet Bogano that could be used to rebuild the Jedi Order.

While exploring an ancient Zeffonian temple, Cordova received a vision of the fall of the Jedi Order and rushed back to Coruscant to warn the Jedi Council. None of the Council were convinced and disregarded his vision, with the only member of the Order who believed him being Jocasta Nu, his trusted confidante during his time at the Jedi Temple. Nu entered the Archives and created a copy of a holocron which listed all Force-sensitive children across the galaxy and gave it to Cordova to protect. Cordova hid the holocron in a Zeffo Vault on Bogano, a largely unexplored planet where it would be safe from the Galactic Empire.

Keeping Jedi tradition alive and taking a new direction

Cordova's vision would eventually prove true, as the Jedi Order was destroyed in 19 BBY with the execution of Order 66 and the beginning of the Great Jedi Purge, which also marked the transformation of the Republic into the Galactic Empire. Having reached the end of the Zeffonians' trail and failing to find them, Cordova set out to find other Jedi survivors and eventually found his former apprentice, Cere Junda, in the first ten years of the Imperial Era. Together, the two set out to restore knowledge from the Jedi Temple's Archives from Coruscant on the moon Jedha and began working with the Hidden Path, a network created to aid Force-sensitive beings persecuted by the Empire. Junda told Cordova about her friend Cal Kestis, a Jedi survivor whom not only Junda teamed up with, but also Cordova's old droid companion, BD-1. Cordova also met the Nightsister Merrin, a friend of Junda and Kestis who dropped by to visit Junda on Jedha from time to time. Cordova remarked that he enjoyed the tea Merrin would bring back as a gift from her travels. During his early days on Jedha, before the Empire's expansion on the moon, Cordova visited an ancient place built by those who revered Force users, finding the experience fascinating. Later, Cordova would suggest to Kestis that he visit the place as well.

Aiding Cal Kestis

In 9 BBY, Cordova was reunited with BD-1 when he and Kestis went to Jedha to speak with Junda. Cordova told Kestis that the feeling of honor in meeting him was mutual, mentioning how Kestis has progressed in the face of so much adversity, going so far as to say that BD-1 chose a good companion. He admired Cal’s bravery and love for his closest friends and told him that the Empire would twist their actions, however noble, to serve their aims.

Kestis was in search of Tanalorr, a long lost world, and which was also the objective of Dagan Gera, a former Jedi from the days of the High Republic Era who was preserved in bacta for centuries on the planet Koboh and freed by Kestis. Cordova checked the files and discovered that Gera had a refuge on Koboh and frequented a laboratory built on the planet's moon. His research on Gera also returned results that felt all too familiar. He noted that Gera felt as if his life's work was at threat and that his obsession led him astray. Cordova compared this with his vision foretelling the fall of the Order and the warnings that the Jedi Council ignored. In his arrogance he felt betrayed and he allowed his wounded pride to cloud his judgement. When the Purge began, he was still searching for proof that his vision was true instead of being there to support Cere and her padawan Trilla Suduri.

Kestis returned with two compasses that could show the way to Tanalorr through the deadly Koboh Abyss nebula, however both were too damaged to repair. However, the records led Cordova to believe that there was a third compass. After a confrontation with Empire forces, Kestis left in search of the last compass.


After a difficult confrontation with Gera, Kestis returned with the last compass, which although it had been damaged during the fight, could be repaired. Along with BD-1, Cordova began repairs throughout that evening - a deed that would transpire to be his final act. The next day, the repairs had already been completed, but everyone's hopes were quickly dashed. The Empire had discovered the file's location and launched an attack led by Darth Vader. Bode Akuna, an ally of Kestis who helped him acquire the compass, was revealed to be an Imperial spy for the Imperial Security Bureau and a Jedi survivor. Akuna informed the Empire of the archive's location to take advantage of the confusion and flee with the compass, which he intended to use to leave the Empire for good by fleeing to Tanalorr with his daughter. Akuna thought this was the best option for him and his daughter after learning that Kestis intended to use Tanalorr in Hidden Path operations, which, in Akuna's opinion, would greatly increase the risk of the Empire discovering the world. Cordova told Akuna that he didn't need to do that, but Akuna responded by shooting Cordova twice, killing him.

Cordova's body, along with Junda who perished following a duel with Vader, was wrapped by Kestis and taken to the Archive hangar awaiting the arrival of the Mantis, which had helped evacuate many Anchorites from the base following the Imperial raid. When the ship landed and Merrin, Dritus, and BD-1 alighted, they were immediately hit by grief as they laid eyes on their fallen friends. Dritus tearfully headed towards his friend Junda’s corpse, unable to speak, and the surviving crew knelt beside the bodies in silent, but supportive sorrow.

Following the crew finding Tanalorr and the death of Akuna, a funeral and cremation service was held on the planet. Cordova, Junda, and Akuna were placed upon individual pyres with Merrin using her magick to light each one. The crew, now including Kata Akuna whom Kestis and Merrin had taken under their guidance, paid their respect individually. The surviving Mantis crew vowed to honor Cordova and Junda by continuing their work with the Hidden Path.


Hologram of Eno Cordova appearing to Cal Kestis.

Hologram of Eno Cordova appearing to Cal Kestis.

Cordova, sensing his life would soon come to an end, had his trusted companion droid BD-1 record video messages detailing his journeys across Bogano, Zeffo, Kashyyyk, and Dathomir. Cordova hoped these holographic messages would guide a new Jedi to retrieve and unlock the holocron so that the Jedi Order could be rebuilt following the Great Jedi Purge. Cordova warned that, in order to prevent the messages from being accessed by the Empire, he would have to encrypt them, essentially meaning BD-1 would have to lose his memories in order to protect the information. The droid agreed, and Cordova parted ways with his trusted friend, sending BD to find the savior of the Jedi.

Cordova's former apprentice Cere Junda was eventually captured by the Empire while trying to lead them away from her own apprentice Trilla Suduri and a group of younglings. During her torture, Cere was forced to give up their location, but the Empire was particularly interested in any information relating to Cordova.

BD-1 eventually encountered Cal Kestis, a Jedi Padawan who had survived Order 66 by hiding out as a scrapper on Bracca, when Cere Junda took Cal to the Bogano Vault. BD showed Kestis Cordova's first message and accompanied him on his adventures through the galaxy, with each success building the trust between the droid and the Jedi and subsequently unlocking more of Cordova's messages.

Trilla Suduri, who by now had been forcibly turned into an Inquisitor, had recently come up against Cal and her old master. In her subsequent investigation, she learned of Cal and Cere's quest to find Cordova's holocron. She thus travelled to Zeffo and awaited to confront Kestis in one of the excavated caverns. When confronting him she revealed her knowledge of his quest and taunted him about the location of the holocron.

Cordova, Junda and Akuna's funeral was held in Tanalorr.

Cordova, Junda and Akuna's funeral was held in Tanalorr.

Although Akuna escaped and reached Tanalorr, Kestis and his allies also managed to reach the planet, and Akuna was killed in a duel against Kestis and Merrin. With the compass back in his possession and Bode's daughter, Kata Akuna, as the new member of the Mantis crew, a funeral was held for Akuna, Cordova, and Junda who had been killed by Vader on Jedha, and her body was cremated alongside Cordova and Akuna's bodies.

Cordova thought it a staggering and exhilarating proposition that an abundance of lost knowledge awaited him after spending a lifetime unearthing the mysteries of the Zeffo. He stated that despite the galaxy being too vast for one mind and one lifetime, he knew that others would take his place exploring when he was gone.

Behind the scenes

Eno Cordova's lightsaber

Eno Cordova's lightsaber

In the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Eno Cordova is portrayed in both voice and likeness by Tony Amendola. The design team of Respawn Entertainment explored unconventional visual elements for Cordova's clothing but eventually settled on clothing that resembled the classic Jedi aesthetic. Some early concepts depicted him as a Cerean. Concept art for Eno Cordova was done by artist Amy Fry.




























