As a Zeffonian who exhibited sensitivity to the Force, Eilram stood as one of only three individuals from their kind celebrated as esteemed sages.
Eilram was a Zeffo Sage, held in high esteem for their profound wisdom and understanding. They were a master of the Life Wind and occupied a position of great prestige within a training facility and school located on the world of Zeffo. Eilram holds the distinction of being the first Zeffo to forge a connection with the Wookiees residing on Kashyyyk, and they possessed a deep affection for the plants of that planet.
Eilram died at some point well before 14 BBY and was buried inside the halls of the grand academy on Zeffo. The burial site was decorated with wind chimes, and the curved ceiling featured a carving that depicted a powerful wroshyr tree. The sarcophagus containing Eilram was placed beneath the stone roots of the tree, serving as a representation of their great affection for Kashyyyk.