Jedi Temple (Ledeve)


By the time of the Clone Wars, the Temple on Ledeve was sought out by a Mikkian Jedi and her Padawan. The Jedi were tracked to the planet by General Grievous, who intercepted them before they made it to the temple and killed them in combat. Discovering their datapad which detailed the location of the Temple, Grievous found the abandoned structure standing in a dense forest of trees with pink leaves. Scaling the walls, Grievous smashed statues of lightsaber-wielding Jedi that lined the hall leading into the Temple's central chamber. Evading traps set within the crumbling Temple, Grievous entered the central chamber where he hoped to find the Jedi's hidden treasure. Behind a waterfall, Grievous thought he saw a glowing relic and stepped into the water where he began hallucinating that his metallic body was returned to its flesh and bone form. As voices in his head mocked and condemned him for destroying his body, his limbs separated and flesh disintegrated until nothing was left but several disparate organs floating in the void.

Rejecting the vision, Grievous ignited his lightsabers and attempted to destroy the light that hovered just behind the waterfall, but his weapons had no effect on it. Leaving the Temple behind he watched from a far as he ordered the Temple destroyed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems' ships in orbit. While the Temple's structure was destroyed in the conflagration, the Force nexus at its core persisted after Grievous departed.


  • Star Wars: Timelines



