Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu 4

Publisher's summary

Mace's faith in the Jedi path is tested when he is challenged – by one of his own!

Plot summary

The comic opens with a flashback to when Mace Windu was a Padawan, training under Jedi Master Cyslin Myr. Myr speaks to Windu about the Niffin Plague, affecting the inhabitants of Mathas. The Jedi overseeing the outreach temple was replaced by a false prophet, exploiting the people - stopping this is why Myr and Windu are there. Myr counsels Windu to not resort to violence and anger.

Back in the present, Windu is battling Prosset Dibs, as they discuss the war, peace, the Force, and the nature of the Jedi. As Kit Fisto and Rissa Mano look on, Mano expresses her frustrations that they are fighting within themselves instead of solving the problems that need to be solved.

Continuing the flashback, Myr confronts Drooz, the false prophet, about his supplanting of Master Kez Velaz. Drooz denies any wrongdoing and orders the people waiting for his help to kill the Jedi, who he brands heretics. Windu runs after Drooz, who tries to escape, but Drooz throws an explosive which would have killed the townsfolk had Myr not stopped the burning beams with the Force. Myr orders Windu to go after Drooz, saying that she will save the people.

Windu on Hissrich speaks about this experience in broader terms, using it to clarify his exact experience of the Jedi Order and what it is meant for. When Dibs says that he would fully cut his ties, Windu says that he will hunt him down as the focus returns to young Windu, following Drooz.

Windu finally finds Drooz who shoots at him and offers him a "better" life, away from the Jedi. Windu quickly disarms him and holds him at the end of his lightsaber, about to kill him. In present-day Hissrich, Windu also disarms and does the same to Dibs. Back in the flashback, Myr stops Windu from killing Drooz, saying that he will be brought to trial. This lesson has clearly sunk into Windu's actions, as then in Hissrich he decides that Dibs will go to trial. Windu, Fisto, and Mano finally begin planning their assault on the droid base.

As AD-W4 is receiving the news that the Jedi have not been found, they attack, much to AD-W4's satisfaction. The comic ends with Fisto facing down a room full of battle droids, beginning the Jedi plan.





