Jizz was a genre of music. Jizz-wailers were musicians who specialized in the genre. Maximilian Rebo and his band were popular Jizz-wailers.
Jizz was first mentioned in canon in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi junior novelization, authored by Ryder Windham and released in 2017. In an interview with The Big Event podcast, Alden Ehrenreich talked about research for his role as Han Solo, and mentioned that he read articles on Wookieepedia, taking note of Jizz among others.
Jizz was first mentioned in canon in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi junior novelization, authored by Ryder Windham and released in 2017. In an interview with The Big Event podcast, Alden Ehrenreich talked about research for his role as Han Solo, and mentioned that he read articles on Wookieepedia, taking note of Jizz among others.