
KB-68, or Kaybee Sixty-Eight, was a Duelist Elite droid with feminine programming who was owned by a male individual on Mircapala. The individual programmed her to defend him from an attacker that never actually came. At some point, KB-68's master died and she stood guard over his dead body for years until she was found by the former Acolytes of the Beyond member Komat, who promised the droid a new home. KB-68 accompanied Komat to the planet Polaar where Komat lived in exile. During their time on Polaar, Komat farmed the planet's distronic radiation which KB-68 then took to a market moon in the Pirsen system to barter for supplies.

In 21 ABY, Lando Calrissian and Luke Skywalker traveled to Polaar to speak with Komat about tracking a , and upon their arrival at , KB-68 left her work to sneak up on the two from behind, surprising them with her dead blade defensively drawn. After Komat arrived to greet Skywalker, she had KB-68 sent back to her work. Later on, KB-68 brought hot chocolate to Komat, Skywalker, and Calrissian, as they spoke in Komat's home. A few hours later, kyber crystal empowered battle droids sent by the Pantoran female Kiza to retrieve kyber crystals that Skywalker had discovered, during the skirmish KB-68 destroyed a couple of droids.

After the skirmish, KB-68 accompanied Calrissian and Komat to the planet Taw Provode where they sought a family on the run from the Sith. KB-68 watched over Komat's as the two were able to help the family escape the . Following this, KB-68 disabled a TIE Defender piloted by the spirit of the Sith Lord Viceroy Exim Panshard and it crashed on Taw Provode's solitary moon. The trio then made their way to the moon where KB-68 passed Komat her lightsaber so she and Skywalker could duel the Sith Lord, though KB-68 kept her distance. After the duel had finished KB-68 helped Komat to her feet.

Sometime later, once had they buried two members of the family they sought on Neftali, KB-68 piloted Komat and Calrissian back to Polaar. After a weeks rest, Calrissian helped Komat and KB-68 harvest plates from a particle array.






