Karee Blockade Clutch

The Karee Blockade Clutch was an event that took place in 7 ABY. During the event, the Vorantis—a ship owned by the pilot Brantis Mo Fresk—beat the starship Brightfox. Later that year, when the New Republic operative Han Solo and his friend Lando Calrissian visited Frander's Bay—a space station that orbited the Core Worlds planet Chandrila—in search of an unaffiliated pilot to hire, Mo Fresk's barker mentioned the pilot's victory in the Karee Blockade Clutch into one of Solo's ears as an example of his exploits and skills. Solo and Calrissian ultimately hired the pilot Taka Jamoreesa.

The Karee Blockade Clutch was mentioned in the 2018 novel Last Shot, written by Daniel José Older.

Behind the scenes

The Karee Blockade Clutch was mentioned in the 2018 novel Last Shot, written by Daniel José Older.






