Chandrila was one of the planets targeted for destruction by Emperor Sheev Palpatine's second Death Star, who planned to use the station's planet-shattering superweapon to end the Rebellion through sheer terror.
Following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Chandrila became the capital of the New Republic and the seat of the newly formed Galactic Senate as a tribute to the Republic of old. It was not permanent, however, as the Republic chose to rotate its capital world based on elections.
Chandrila was a small blue-green planet with calm seas and rolling hills. It had mild seasonal weather and rarely experienced dangerous weather conditions.
The planet's capital city was Hanna City which hosted the Chandrila Senate house; the site of the New Republic's Galactic Senate in the months following the Battle of Endor. Other known locations on Chandrila included the Old Gather-House, the Senate Plaza, and the Silver Sea. The settlement Junari Point was located a few klicks outside Hanna City and hosted a bar.
In ancient times, Chandrila was settled by settlers who built the Old Gather House. Chandrila was a member of the Galactic Republic and was one of the Core Founders. During the Clone Wars, Mon Mothma served as Chandrila's senator in the Galactic Senate.
During the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire, Chandrila was listed as an Alliance to Restore the Republic safe world. A map of the galaxy with a legend listing the various Alliance safe worlds, starfighter hubs at level five or higher, rebel operations sectors and regional headquarters, and shadow planets with deep space caches, included Chandrila. The map was later included in The Rebel Files. During the Galactic Civil War, Chandrila supported the Alliance.
By 1 BBY, Chandrila had become one of the thousands of worlds that suffered under Imperial rule. Mothma, by that time the chancellor of the Alliance, recognized her homeworld's suffering but believed she could not let her personal biases get in the way of the Rebellion's decision making; with thousands of worlds suffering under Imperial rule, she could not simply decide to point their resources at helping the one planet. Due to Chandrila's support for the Rebellion, the planet was a target of the Galactic Empire's second Death Star. Olia Choko regarded Chandrila as a small planet that was the origin point of big ideas.
Following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Chandrila became the capital of the restored Galactic Republic, the New Republic, the successor government to the Rebel Alliance. The reestablished Galactic Senate was based in Hanna City. Queen of the Core Network began broadcasting on Chandrila. Imperial prisoners from war zones like Coruscant and Akiva were imprisoned on Chandrila. New Republic Starfighter Corps pilots were trained at Landing Platform OB-99 near the Silver Sea. At one point, the New Republic's Vanguard Squadron was tasked with assisting in the defense of key worlds, including Chandrila.
After Han Solo and Norra Wexley's team freed a hundred Rebel prisoners from Ashmead's Lock on Kashyyyk, the former prisoners were flown to Chandrila where they were accommodated in temporary housing and received medical treatment. Later, the Senate accepted Grand Admiral Rae Sloane's offer to conduct peace talks near Hanna City. In secret, this was a pretext for Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax to launch his attack on the New Republic leadership using the former prisoners as unwilling assassins controlled with inorganic bio-chips installed in their brains. The resulting Liberation Day attacks were broadcast live on HoloNet to audiences across the galaxy. This had the result of undermining morale in the New Republic and setting the stage for the Battle of Jakku. The attack also led to calls to relocate the New Republic capital to a more fortified world. Chandrila was also attacked during Operation: Cinder.
In the final months of the Galactic Civil War in 5 ABY, the Republic began the process of relocating the Senate to the Mid Rim world Nakadia for a year cycle after an Imperial attack. However, Chancellor Mothma and several senators, including Princess Leia Organa and Tolwar Wartol still maintained offices, on Chandrila. During the Battle of Jakku, Wartol tried to assassinate Mothma by bombing her office. However, Mothma was out of her office but her Adviser Auxi Kray Korbin was killed. Shortly later, Mothma, Organa, Sondiv Sella, and Sinjir Rath Velus met with Grand Vizier Mas Amedda to sign the Galactic Concordance; which facilitated the Empire's surrender to the New Republic. The signing ceremony took place at the crystal cliffs north of Hanna City. On the same day, Organa gave birth to her son, Ben Solo. The Imperial capitulation was followed by a week–long Festival of Liberation.
By 9 ABY, Chandrila had resumed its role as the New Republic's capital.
In Luke Skywalker's dream in 34 ABY on Ahch-To, in which he imagined how things were if he had not joined the Rebel Alliance and instead stayed on Tatooine and married Camie Marstrap, the Empire used the Death Star to not only destroy Alderaan but also Mon Cala and Chandrila.
Chandrilans were regarded as peaceful but slightly haughty, pedantic, and interested in politics. Following the Imperial Era, some Chandrilans disliked former Imperials.
In canon, Chandrila first appeared as the New Republic capital in Chuck Wendig's 2015 novel Aftermath. In Star Wars legends Chandrila was first mentioned in the 1987 roleplaying supplement The Star Wars Sourcebook.
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