Kaump III


Kaump III, also known simply as Kaump, was a high-gravity terrestrial planet that occupied the third orbital position in the Kaump system, a part of the Bruanii sector in the Western Reaches portion of the Mid Rim.


The future mercenary and pirate Chanchaz Iryt was born on Kaump III. A member of the planet's native species, during his early life Iryt studied all he could about repulsorlift mechanics. At nights, he instead learned about brawling and bullying at some of his homeworld's rough nightclubs. Eventually he was working on engines as well as robbing intoxicated people and lost tourists for drink money. Iryt soon decided, however, that he was destined for more in life. He then committed a series of highly lucrative and highly publicized robberies in an affluent neighborhood of a local city and subsequently, at some point by the time of the Galactic Civil War, left Kaump III aboard a luxury liner traveling to the Outer Rim Territories planet Bespin.


Kaump III was home to a species of sentients. Due to the planet's high gravity, members of the species had a short stature and a dense body structure.


Kaump III had at least one city and featured several nightclubs.

Behind the scenes

Kaump III was mentioned in "Iron Hands, Captive Hearts," a roleplaying source article written by Joe Littrell for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and published in the sixty-eighth issue of the Polyhedron magazine in February 1992. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Kaump system, and therefore Kaump III, in grid square K-17.

