Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Chancellor Mon Mothma of the Alliance to Restore the Republic was kidnapped by Scarabi mercenaries while on a funding mission on the planet Uveron. During a break in the negotiations, Mothma served as a magistrate during the Trial of Lando Calrissian via hologram. During the trial, the mercenaries, led by Hachi broke into Uveron City and kidnapped her. Keeping the chancellor, hidden at Safe House Four, the Scarabi held her at ransom for 200 million credits. The mercenaries then threatened to inform other third parties, such as the Galactic Empire, if the Rebel Alliance did not respond within a day. With the help of Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca, Alliance dispatched the Pathfinders to locate and rescue Mothma.
Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Chancellor Mon Mothma of the Alliance to Restore the Republic took part in a funding mission for the Alliance on the planet Uveron in the Colonies region of the galaxy. Originally, Lando Calrissian was going to join her on the mission, but he was arrested for treason against the Alliance. While on the mission, Mothma served as a magistrate, via hologram, alongside General Crix Madine and Admiral Gial Ackbar.
The mercenary group Scarabi, glided into Uveron City to capture Mothma and deliver her to the highest bidder, in hopes of being set for life. As the group descended from sky, they were identified by security who opened fire. but they were quickly cut down as the mercenaries continued to move in. Meanwhile, Mon Mothma was in the middle of hearing witnessess during Calrissian's trial. All of the sudden, Mothma was grabbed by Scarabi leader, Hachi who told her to not fight and she wouldn't be hurt.
Calrissian would come to suspect that his own lawyer, Salli Georgio, was behind the kidnapping; she would have known of Calrissian's past connection to the Scarabi, enabling him to reveal their identities to the rebels to prove himself, and the overall kidnapping happened at a convinent time for his trial.
All of this was witnessed by members of Alliance High Command, who immediately enacted , which scrambled the Alliance Fleet in order to minimize potential danger to the Alliance with Mon Mothma's kidnapping. Meanwhile, a squad of Pathfinders led by Sergeant Kes Dameron who were nearby, were deployed to Uveron City to investigate the kidnapping. Dameron discovered a message left for the rebels from the Scarabi and sent it to high command. Scarabi confirmed the Mothma was safe for the time being but she would only be returned for 200 million credits. The rebels had a day to respond before the mercenaries would seek third parties, including the Galactic Empire, about interest in the rebel leader.
With the help of Calrissian and the Wookiee Chewbacca, the Rebel Alliance would launch a mission to rescue Mon Mothma from the Scarabi. The rebels were able to locate Mothma at Safe House Four, where she was having a conversation with Hachi about the principals of freedom and the Rebellion. Hachi started to realize she was making a mistake, but was then shot and killed by another before she could finish speaking. The rebels then moved in and rescued Mothma.
The kidnapping of Mon Mothma first appeared in the fourty-fourth issue of the 2020 Star Wars comic series. The issue was wriiten by Charles Soule, illustrated by Madibek Musabekov, and published by Marvel Comics on March 6, 2024.