Salli Georgio

Salli Georgio, a human female and practicing lawyer, was a figure of note during the Imperial Era. In the period spanning 3 ABY to 4 ABY, she acted as legal counsel for Dengar, the notorious bounty hunter, during his trial before the Imperial Court of Criminal Justice on Samaria. The charges stemmed from the extensive vehicular damage he inflicted. Despite her efforts, Dengar was found guilty, incurring a fine of fifty thousand credits and a sentence of sixty days of forced labor in the Orgonium mines. Subsequently, Lando Calrissian contacted Georgio, requesting she repay a past favor by representing him in a legal battle against the Rebel Alliance, a request she accepted.


Representing Dengar

Sometime between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, during the Galactic Empire's reign, Salli Georgio found herself in the Imperial Court of Criminal Justice on Samaria. She was there to defend Dengar, the bounty hunter, who was accused of stealing a speeder and causing significant vehicular chaos while under the influence. Throughout the trial, Georgio presented an argument contending that a Jedi had employed their mind trick ability to manipulate Dengar, leading him to commit the widespread destruction. The judge, in response, referenced Dengar's well-known nickname, "Dengar the Demolisher," and cast doubt on the validity of Georgio's entire defense.

While represented by Georgio, Dengar lost his case against the Imperial Court of Criminal Justice.

Georgio, with a subtle smile, countered that the judge could not disprove her claims. However, the judge asserted that the official stance of the Empire was that the Jedi Order and Jedi themselves were extinct, thereby dismissing Georgio's version of events as impossible. Concluding the trial, the judge imposed a fine of fifty thousand credits on Dengar and sentenced him to sixty days of hard labor in the Orgonium mines. In the moments before Dengar was to be taken to the mines, he and Georgio engaged in a heated exchange about the trial's outcome. Dengar attempted to threaten Georgio and move toward her, but he was restrained by the bailiff and escorted to the mines. As Dengar was being led away, Georgio received a communication from Lando Calrissian, who sought to redeem a favor she owed by having her represent him as his lawyer in a trail against the Rebel Alliance, an offer she accepted.

Owed favor

Let the trial commence

The Trial of Lando Calrissian took place within the flagship of the Rebel Alliance Home One.

Continuing the call, Calrissian clarified that the impending trial would be a military tribunal, presided over by a general, an admiral, and Mon Mothma, the latter being a surprise to Georgio. However, Calrissian added that Mothma would not be physically present, as she was on a fundraising mission on the planet Uveron. Georgio and her paralegal droid, Three-Ell, were subsequently picked up from Samaria by the Wookiee Chewbacca aboard the Millennium Falcon and arrived at the Rebel Alliance flagship Home One twelve hours later. Upon disembarking from the Millennium Falcon, Georgio and Three-Ell were greeted by General Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker, while Chewbacca carried their belongings. Organa informed Georgio that the trial was scheduled to begin the following morning and had arranged for their private quarters. Additionally, Organa offered the advocate an opportunity to meet with her client, but Georgio declined, indicating her understanding of Calrissian's situation.

The following day, before the trial was set to commence, Mothma, along with Admiral Gial Ackbar and General [Crix Madine](/article/crix_madine], were present as the judges of the proceedings. A select group of spectators was also in attendance to observe the trial, including Organa and Skywalker. As Mothma prepared to initiate the trial, Georgio briefly interrupted to inquire whether Three-Ell could record the proceedings, a request that was granted. Mothma then introduced Calrissian's case, with Madine introducing Captain Darrien Muskray, who would serve as the Alliance's legal representative, and Georgio as Calrissian's advocate, tasked with presenting arguments for the court's consideration. Ackbar added that they would operate in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Corellian code of military justice, including the calling of witnesses and cross-examination. Georgio stood and stated that she was unfamiliar with the Corellian code of military justice, requesting a brief recess to review the legal texts. However, Madine denied the request, accusing her of attempting to waste the court's time. Muskray was then instructed to present his case against Calrissian.

Timed opportunity

As the trial progressed, Muskray called the talky droid as a witness. The captain noted that he had verified the integrity of the droid's memory banks, ensuring they had not been wiped or altered in the past century as part of pretrial preparations, thereby confirming the reliability of its testimony. In response to Muskray's initial question, the talky droid referenced the Trawak code and its significance to Rebel Alliance communications, which Muskray then presented to the trial as a critical intelligence asset. As the talky droid continued its testimony, it asserted that Calrissian had sold the droid to Jabba, the Hutt crime lord, to be used as a translator droid.

Personality and traits

Salli Georgio was a human female characterized by her black hair, blue [eyes](/article/eye], and fair complexion.

Skills and abilities

Georgio was a highly competent lawyer, demonstrated by her success in preventing Calrissian from receiving a death sentence for his actions against the Rebel Alliance.


Georgio was typically seen wearing an orange coat over matching formal attire. Notably, she also wore an orange eye patch that covered her right eye.

Behind the scenes

Salli Georgio's debut appearance was in the short story "A Trick of the Mind," which was included in the one-shot comic Revelations. The comic was written by Charles Soule, illustrated by Andrea Di Vito, and published by Marvel Comics on December 20, 2023. Prior to her more significant role in the 2020 Star Wars comic book series, Soule described Georgio as a "piece of work."

