Kiros Zorad

Kiros Zorad was a Human male from Arda II who by 1 ABY found himself heavily in debt to local businessman and Imperial spy Mag Doum. Doum ordered Zorad and his son Zon to kidnap visiting Rebel leader Leia Organa when she and her compatriot Luke Skywalker appeared to threaten Doum's side business selling discarded T-6 diodems to the Imperials. Zorad and his son, who actually intended to protect Organa, broke into the estate of the planet's ruling Qualo and stunned Organa before fleeing on a speeder.

After a lengthy chase, Zorad left Zon and Organa at the nearby Caverns of Colla-Di before joining forces with Skywalker. Zorad and Skywalker returned to the caverns to find nothing but bloody rags, leading Zorad to believe his son and Organa were dead—after fighting off a vicious kdak, Zorad stole Skywalker's landspeeder and returned to the city of Tun Wala, where he exposed Doum's treachery and caused a near-riot. Realizing that Doum would flee and inform the Empire of the Rebels' presence on Arda II, Zorad stowed away on Doum's ship as he left the planet, attack and hijacking the vessel as he passed a message to Darth Vader. When Vader's battle group arrived above Arda II, Zorad severely damaged the Sith Lord's Star Destroyer with a suicide run in Doum's ship, forcing the Empire's retreat.

Kiros Zorad appeared in the comic strip story arc As Long As We Live..., written by Don Christensen and released in 1980. In the comic, Zorad was illustrated by Russ Manning.

Behind the scenes

Kiros Zorad appeared in the comic strip story arc As Long As We Live..., written by Don Christensen and released in 1980. In the comic, Zorad was illustrated by Russ Manning.




