
Krrsish was a Wookiee who was a Jedi Initiate sometime by 42 BBY. At the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant, Krrsish joined the Tibidee Clan and became friends with a Togorian, Jak'zin, and a Trandoshan, Gheyr. After witnessing a duel between Jedi Masters Yoda and Dooku, the Wookiee had a vision about Trandoshans and Wookiees fighting each other. He later discussed it with Dooku, who suggested not talking about it with anyone.

Krrsish kept having visions about the Trandoshans and Gheyr falling to the dark side of the Force. Sometime later, the Tibidee Clan was accompanied to the astronomical object Corvair II, where they would be left alone to undergo a trial. While on Corvair II, the Wookiee asked to talk to Gheyr alone, but he later attacked the Trandoshan, wielding his lightsaber against her.

Jedi Initiate

Krrsish (right) was friends with Gheyr (left) and Jak'zin (middle).

Krrsish (right) was friends with Gheyr (left) and Jak'zin (middle).

Krrsish was a Wookiee who joined the Jedi Order as a Jedi Initiate sometime by 42 BBY. As an initiate, Krrsish lived in the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant and joined the Tibidee Clan along with fellow Togorian Jak'zin and Trandoshan Gheyr. One day, the three younglings were training with diverse other initiates when Jedi Masters Yoda and Dooku decided to give them a demonstration of lightsaber combat. Excited to see the two Jedi Masters, Jak'zin claimed that Dooku was on the Jedi High Council and had been Yoda's Padawan, but the Wookiee replied that he read too much. After witnessing the duel, Jak'zin and Gheyr commented on it with excitement, but the Wookiee stated he would become a better Jedi than both the Jedi Masters. His two friends did not believe him, and Jak'zin claimed he would need around eight hundred years to catch up.

After the duel, Dooku claimed that several initiates were promising and that Krrsish had an impressive form with his lightsaber. Yoda replied that the Wookiee was very dedicated and driven and that he had good friends. Later, while Krrsish was meditating with Jak'zin and Gheyr, the two friends kept discussing the sparring fight they had watched, but Krrsish said they were disturbing him, making them leave. During his meditation, the Wookiee had a vision of Wookiees and Trandoshans fighting each other.

Troubled student

Krrsish had visions about Trandoshans and Wookiees fighting.

Krrsish had visions about Trandoshans and Wookiees fighting.

Troubled by the vision, Krrsish went to the Jedi Library to research it, but Dooku heard him and confronted the Wookiee about what he was looking for. Krrsish apologized for disturbing the Jedi Master, but Dooku replied he did not and insisted on asking what was wrong. The initiate claimed he had had a vision, and Dooku asked if it had been his first. After the Wookiee answered that it was, the Jedi Master advised Krrsish not to tell anyone about it, claiming that the Jedi did not look kindly on Force visions. Later, the Wookiee bumped into Gheyr, leaving the Trandoshan and the Togorian confused about what had happened to him.

Subsequently, Jak'zin and Gheyr trained with their lightsaber together, and Gheyr defeated Jak'zin. After the fight, Krrsish claimed that Gheyr enjoyed causing harm, but the Trandoshan replicated she did not. Yoda intervened asking to the Wookiee to remain with him, and Jak'zin told Gheyr that he was happy Krrsish had finally got in trouble due to his behavior. The Trandoshan replied that she only wished for the Wookiee to be her friend again.

Yoda confronted the Wookiee about the way he was acting, asking him what was troubling him, to which Krrsish answered it was another student. Not convinced, Yoda inquired if it had to do with Gheyr. The Master furtherly claimed that the Wookiee did not need to be friends with every Jedi, but he had to respect them, saying that hate led to the dark side of the Force. He also informed Krrsish that Gheyr had been found as a youngling by a group of Wookiees, stating that the Force worked through all of them.

Visions and fights

That night, Krrsish dreamt about walking up to Gheyr to apologize to her. However, after hugging her, the Trandoshan, fallen to the dark side of the Force, would push the Wookiee away and ignite her lightsaber, wielding it against him, making the Wookiee wake up screaming. Later, Krrsish met with Yoda in the Jedi Temple and asked the Jedi Master where Dooku was, to which Yoda replied he was departing Coruscant that day. After reaching the Master, the Wookiee told him he had had the same vision again, leading Dooku to claim such an opportune warning was to be considered a gift. He also advised the initiate to keep observing, gathering evidence, and developing the needed skills to interpret the visions.

The Wookiee kept training, meditating, and eating with Jak'zin and Gheyr, even building their lightsabers together. Sometime later, Yoda accompanied Tibidee Clan to face a trial on the astronomical object Corvair II. There, several initiates would be left alone to reconnect to the Force and test their skills. On Corvair II, Krrsish approached Jak'zin and Gheyr, asking to talk with the latter alone. Gheyr walked away with the Wookiee, asking him what was agitating him. Krrsish claimed he had had a vision about a danger, and when the Trandoshan asked him what kind of danger he was talking about, the Wookiee hit her, throwing Gheyr against a tree and saying she was the danger. The confused Trandoshan fought back, throwing the Wookiee to the ground. However, Krrsish stood up and jumped against the initiate with his lightsaber ignited.

After the fight

Yoda arrived and put a stop to the duel. Wanting to keep herself and Krrsish from straying into a dark path, Gheyr left the Jedi Order, with Yoda later coming to believe he had failed her.

Behind the scenes

Krrsish first appeared in a flashback sequence in Yoda 4, the fourth issue of the comic miniseries Star Wars: Yoda. The issue was written by Jody Houser, illustrated by Luke Ross and Nolan Woodard, and published by Marvel Comics on February 22, 2023. Prior to the comic's release, he was first indirectly mentioned and pictured in a post published on on November 10, 2022.










