In the year 5 BBY aboard the Ghost, Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus continue Jedi training as Bridger attempts to stack cups on the Ghost's Dejarik Hologame table. When he is unable to do so, Jarrus instructs Bridger to clear his mind and concentrate, something difficult for Bridger to achieve. Frustrated that he is unable to complete the task before him, Bridger questions his ability to train as a Jedi, to which Jarrus replies that patience is one of the most valuable skills a Jedi can learn, as one day lives may depend on it.
The next day, the Ghost is engaged by an Imperial transport. Bridger, along with Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, and Chopper, attempts to outmaneuver the Empire in an Ion Storm. The Spectres narrowly escape their attackers, but both they and the Imperial transport lose power in the storm. The Ghost suffers damage in multiple function systems due to the storm, and the crew quickly begins repairs on the ship. With Wren and Chopper busy, Bridger is tasked with reconnecting the power grid. He quickly becomes frustrated when he is unable to complete the task, and he confides in Syndulla that he feels useless, due to his failure in both repairs and Jedi training.
However, Bridger's repair time is quickly cut short as the crew notices the Imperial ship has restored its power to the engines. Realizing they are out of time, Syndulla attempts to maneuver the Ghost to safety, and Bridger decides to use his Force abilities to fix the power console. His success allows Wren to access the targeting systems and turbolaser, and she shoots down the Imperial transport, whose shield is still inoperable. Syndulla pilots the Ghost out of the ion storm and through hyperspace to a rendezvous point with Jarrus and Garazeb Orrelios, who had taken the Phantom on a mission to destroy an Imperial transmission center. Jarrus becomes jokingly frustrated that the rest of the crew isn't talking about their mission, and Ezra tells him lightheartedly to have some patience.
- Star Wars Rebels Volume 1: Resistance
- Star Wars Rebels TPB