- The Galactic Empire cuts off Ghorman shipping lanes.
- The Arvala-Six conflict diminishes and mining resumes on the occupied lands.
- Cassian Jeron Andor is introduced to Luthen Rael, flees his adopted homeworld of Ferrix after an ambush performed by the Preox-Morlanasecurity Inspection team, and joins the Aldhani rebel infiltration team. They are able to steal roughly eighty million credits from the Aldhani Garrison.
- The Empire takes direct control of the Morlani system.
- The Eye of Aldhani occurs.
- The Imperial Emergency Act and Public Order Resentencing Directive are passed in the aftermath of the Aldhani heist.
- Ezra Bridger joins the Spectres.
- A prisoner uprising occurs in the imperial prison complex on Narkina 5. Multiple prisoners, including Cassian Jeron Andor and Ruescott Melshi, escape.
- Anto Kreegyr and his rebel groupraid the Spellhaus Imperial power station. It ended in complete failure and all forces, including Kreegyr, were killed.
- A citizen uprising occurs on Ferrix during Maarva Carassi Andor's funeral resulting in the deaths of several Imperials, including ISB AttendantCorv
- Jyn Erso is abandoned by Saw Gerrera.
- The Rebel Files are created.
- A rebellion breaks out in the Atrivis sector.
- Ambush on Ferrix
- Aldhani heist
- Narkina 5 prison escape
- Skirmish above Segra Milo
- Spellhaus attack
- Uprising on Ferrix
- Mission in Capital City
- Mission to free Wookiee prisoners
- Raid on an Imperial supply convoy
- Attack on a Lothal airfield
- Mission to steal Imperial weapons
- Attack on Imperial Troop Transports
- Duel on Stygeon Prime
- Mission to destroy a kyber crystal
- Attack on an Imperial convoy
- Skirmish on Vyndal
- Mission to Tamsye Prime
- Battle on Mantooine
- On Morlana One
- On Ferrix
- On Aldhani
- On Frezno
- A stormtrooper on Kessel.
- On Narkina 5
- A rebel pilot
- Anto Kreegyr during the Spellhaus attack
- On Lothal
- Yeleb on Vyndal
Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide clarified the timeline of 5 BBY, noting that the events of "Announcement" had passed before the events of Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion. As stated in its timeline, the Public Order Resentencing Directive had been prompted by the Aldhani heist at some point before Bridger joined the Spectres.
- LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales Episodes I-III
- LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales — "Mission to Mos Eisley"
- The Official Star Wars Fact FilePart 72
- Nexus of Power
- Star Wars: Galactic Atlas
- Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide
- Star Wars: The Rebel Files
- Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 75
- Star Wars: Timelines