Level 2142 was a level of the city-planet of Coruscant. Following the destruction of the planet Alderaan by the Galactic Empire, two Alderaanian survivors; Anandra Milon and her younger brother Santigo, spent a night in an alley on the level while trying to escape capture by Imperial stormtroopers. Anandra managed to get a few morsels of food from an old man working at Hangra's Meat Shack, a vendor on Level 2142, for her and her brother to eat before they moved on to Level 1997 in search of help.
Level 2142 first appeared in "One Thousand Levels Down," a short story by Alexander Freed published in Star Wars Insider 151 in 2014.
Level 2142 first appeared in "One Thousand Levels Down," a short story by Alexander Freed published in Star Wars Insider 151 in 2014.