Level 5000 first appeared in "Heroes on Both Sides," the tenth episode of the canon animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars third season, which first aired on November 19, 2010. The episode's Trivia Gallery on StarWars.com placed Coruscant's central power distribution grid on Level 5000, which it states was presumably located 5,000 levels down from the planet's surface. If this were the case, it would be on Level 127, close to the uninhabitable Level 1, as the highest level on Coruscant is Level 5127.
Level 5000 first appeared in "Heroes on Both Sides," the tenth episode of the canon animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars third season, which first aired on November 19, 2010. The episode's Trivia Gallery on StarWars.com placed Coruscant's central power distribution grid on Level 5000, which it states was presumably located 5,000 levels down from the planet's surface. If this were the case, it would be on Level 127, close to the uninhabitable Level 1, as the highest level on Coruscant is Level 5127.