
The Leviathan was an Imperial-class Star Destroyer that served the Imperial Navy during the Imperial Era. At some point, it escorted the Imperial war minister to an Imperial supply moon alongside another Imperial Star Destroyer, although the group was attacked by rebel starfighters. Imperial TIE fighters defeated the rebels, although the war minister was pursued to the supply moon by more rebels in X-wing starfighters.

After attacking a starfighter factory on the moon, the rebels were engaged by Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader, who defeated the majority of the group before pursing the final starfighter to a rebel outpost at Jamiri. Vader, who had contacted the Leviathan, then attacked the base alongside the Star Destroyer and a group of TIE fighters.


The Leviathan was a 1,600-meter-long Imperial-class Star Destroyer. The starship was equipped with sublight engines, a hangar bay, two deflector shield generator domes, and a communications tower. Encrypted coordinates could be transmitted from the Leviathan to Imperial TIE fighters.


TIE fighters engaged rebels above the Leviathan and another Star Destroyer.

TIE fighters engaged rebels above the Leviathan and another Star Destroyer.

During the Imperial Era, the Leviathan served within the Imperial Navy. At one point, the Imperial war minister traveled to an Imperial supply moon in a convoy consisting of the Leviathan and another Imperial-class Star Destroyer. On the way to the moon, in deep space, the Imperials were attacked by a squad of rebel T-65 X-wing starfighters and BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers. As TIE/ln starfighters battled the rebels, an individual aboard the Leviathan contacted the TIE commander, requesting the status of the attackers. The TIE pilot reported that they had all been destroyed, and the individual on the Leviathan noted that the attack had delayed the war minister's departure. They then ordered the pilot to escort the minister to the supply moon and transmitted the encrypted coordinates before urging the pilot to make haste.

The Leviathan attacked the rebel outpost at Jamiri.

The Leviathan attacked the rebel outpost at Jamiri.

The TIE fighters then moved to escort the minister's Lambda-class shuttle. However, Imperial scanners had failed to detect multiple powered-down X-wing starfighters that attached a tracker to the group and followed them to the supply moon on auxiliary power. The rebels then attacked a starfighter factory on the moon, killing the minister. However, the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader, who had been overseeing upgrades to his TIE Advanced x1 on the moon, then attacked the group in the starfighter. In his TIE Advanced, Vader destroyed all but one of the starfighters, whose pilot fled the moon. Vader, pursuing the X-wing, then contacted the Leviathan. The pilot had retreated to the rebel outpost at Jamiri, which was subsequently attacked by Vader, the Leviathan, and multiple other TIE fighters and TIE interceptors. In the assault, the outpost's hangar was shot at and engulfed in flames.

Commanders and crew

One individual aboard the Leviathan contacted a TIE commander to request the status of the rebel attackers. When the pilot wondered why the attack squad was so small, the individual on the Leviathan suggested that if the rebels were smart, they would not be rebels. They then ordered the TIE pilot to escort the delayed war minister to the supply moon with haste.

Behind the scenes

The Leviathan appeared in the fourth issue of the comic-book series Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions. The issue was written by Dennis Hallum, illustrated by Stephen Mooney, and published by Marvel Comics on May 29, 2019.



