
Lootra encountered Jedi Exile Meetra Surik, who offered to help him. Surik rescued Aaida, who was being oppressed at the Refugee Sector, along with several others by the Exchange, and the couple was reunited.

Dialogue with Lootra triggers the "Intergalactic Reunification" quest, in which the character may decide to reunite him with Aaida. Dialogue upon completion will gain you influence with your crew. If Kreia is in your party and you give too many kind words to the couple, Kreia will comment on your weakness. If you tell them to help other people as you helped them, Kreia will instead be impressed that you inspired them to help others and you will gain influence along with light side points. His reward for Surik is a random part to creating a lightsaber. If Surik has already built her first saber, Lootra will instead reward Surik with a lightsaber of which the color and type will be random.

Alternatively, the player may convince Lootra, using the Force or persuasion, to give up on finding Aaida.

Behind the scenes

Dialogue with Lootra triggers the "Intergalactic Reunification" quest, in which the character may decide to reunite him with Aaida. Dialogue upon completion will gain you influence with your crew. If Kreia is in your party and you give too many kind words to the couple, Kreia will comment on your weakness. If you tell them to help other people as you helped them, Kreia will instead be impressed that you inspired them to help others and you will gain influence along with light side points. His reward for Surik is a random part to creating a lightsaber. If Surik has already built her first saber, Lootra will instead reward Surik with a lightsaber of which the color and type will be random.

Alternatively, the player may convince Lootra, using the Force or persuasion, to give up on finding Aaida.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



