Manuel Both-Hanz

Manuel "Manny" Both-Hanz was an agent of the Rebel Alliance, a very short Human or near-Human. He had a romantic relationship with Mon Mothma, the Alliance Chief of State, and died while trying to get the plans to the Death Star II to the Alliance.

Critical mission

In 4 ABY, Manny Both-Hanz discovered the existence of the second Death Star; he was also able to pinpoint the exact location of the Emperor's new battlestation in the Endor system, and learned that the Emperor himself would be personally overseeing the final stages of the construction.

In the hopes of getting this information to the Alliance High Command, Tag Greenley and Bink Otauna alongside Lando Calrissian went to the planet Tatooine to rendezvous with a contact who would lead them to him. Calrissian spoke with a bounty hunter named Kannen Doom. Greenley and Otauna, believing Calrissian was getting distracted and flirting with a random woman, utilized their stormtrooper disguises to pull Calrissian away from her at gunpoint. Calrissian revealed that she was the contact, but the two said that she didn't look like a 'Manuel.' Calrissian explained that she was going to lead them to Manuel Both-Hanz and had wasted their chance by scaring her away.

After infiltrating Jabba the Hutt's Palace with Greenly dressed in Boba Fett's armor and Otauna in a disguise, Doom saved the two from being eaten by the Great Pit of Carkoon, believing Greenly to have truly been her old love, Boba Fett. Once Doom took off her helmet, Greenley and Otauna recognized her as the one who was supposed to bring them to Both-Hanz. Once they told her where they had hidden Fett, Doom brought out Both-Hanz, Greenley and Otauna suprised by his small stature. Both-Hanz revealed that he had the plans for a second Death Star, which the Empire had been able to build because of a good insurance policy given to them by the Geonosians. Tragically, Both-Hanz was shot by Boba Fett in an altercation in Mos Eisley spaceport, but Tag and Bink successfully passed on the information to Mon Mothma, enabling the Rebellion to destroy the Empire.


While on shuttle Tydirium, Tag and Bink reported to Mothma who requested them to present Both-Hanz to the Imperial High Command, so that the Empire wouldn't suspect that the transaction was succeeded. Dressed as Royal Guards, they delivered his body to the Death Star.

Later during the briefing before the Battle of Endor, Mothma recounted with grief in her voice that "Manny Both-Hanz died in the process" of bringing the information to them.

Behind the scenes

Manuel Both-Hanz appears only in Kevin Rubio's parody comic book The Return of Tag & Bink: Special Edition; his name is a pun on the line "Many Bothans died" in Mon Mothma's dialogue in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. The appearance of Manuel Both-Hanz is based on the American filmmaker Robert Meyer Burnett.



