Kannen Doom

Kannen Doom, a well-known Human female bounty hunter, possessed an unusually slow aging process. During the twilight years of the Galactic Republic, she was often seen wearing tight, bright pink outfits with plunging necklines. However, by the time the Battle of Endor occurred, she had shifted to wearing primarily blue armor.

Her arsenal included a blaster, a double-bladed vibrostaff similar to those wielded by the Emperor's Royal Guard, and a pair of forked vibroblades concealed within her wrist gauntlets. It's possible she was a Mandalorian, suggested by her helmet's T-shaped visor (though the vertical part of the T was shorter than typical), and her long-standing connection to the Fett family.


Kannen on a date with Jango Fett in Dex's Diner in 22 BBY

Back in 32 BBY, she played a role in helping Jango Fett secure the position as the prime clone for the Grand Army of the Republic. Apparently, she was romantically involved with him a decade later, just before the Battle of Geonosis, as evidenced by their shared lunch at Dex's Diner on Coruscant.

Several decades later, she became involved with Jango's son, Boba. This relationship with Fett became a source of animosity, as he abruptly ended it and later claimed she had confused him with one of the many clones derived from his father's genetic blueprint. This led to a lasting feud between them.

By 4 ABY, Kannen had aligned herself with the Rebel Alliance. In this role, she escorted Manuel Both-Hanz to a meeting on Tatooine with Lando Calrissian, Tag Greenley, and Bink Otauna. The purpose of the meeting was to deliver crucial intelligence about the new Death Star to the Alliance. After her initial meeting went awry, she believed she had gained some satisfaction by capturing Fett, but it turned out to be Tag wearing the bounty hunter's armor. The arrival of the real Fett complicated the situation, and during the resulting gunfight, Manny was killed by a shot to the chest.

Her last known appearance was during a fight with Fett in a Mos Eisley docking bay, while Tag and Bink made their escape off-planet aboard what appeared to be her personal vessel—a Lambda-class shuttle equipped with a powerful holocomm.

Behind the scenes

A blond Kannen in 32 BBY

Kannen's visual design was inspired by Drea Hoffman, who is the best friend of Kevin Rubio.

The reason for Kannen's youthful appearance in both "Fett Club" and The Return of Tag & Bink: Special Edition was clarified in a "Creators Note" added to this page by Kevin Rubio himself: Kannen is Human and does age, but her aging process is significantly slower. This statement was accompanied by what appeared to be a previously unreleased sketch of Kannen, created by the artist Lucas Marangon.

