Fett Club

"Fett Club," a comic story running 12 pages in length, was published as part of the Infinities line in Star Wars Tales 24, and later compiled into Star Wars Tales Volume 6.

Plot summary

The story centers around Count Dooku's scheme to locate a suitable bounty hunter for the clone army, using a disguised advertisement that purports to recruit new Mandalorian warriors. "Fett Club" operates as a parody of various subjects, including Fight Club, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, fanboys, and Jar Jar Binks.

The Rules of Fett Club

Some odd Mandalorian prospects.
  • The primary rule of Fett Club: you aren't allowed to mention Fett Club.
  • The secondary rule of Fett Club: you aren't allowed to mention Fett Club!
  • The third rule of Fett Club: if you have a question, raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged. Mandalorians share information only when necessary.
  • The fourth rule of Fett Club: being unaware is dangerous, not beneficial. Therefore, project confidence.
  • The fifth rule of Fett Club: avoid foolish behavior!
  • The sixth rule of Fett Club: understand what you are capable of.
  • The seventh rule of Fett Club: no Gungans allowed. Ever!
  • The eighth rule of Fett Club: we don't use our money for gambling. We make investments.
  • The ninth rule of Fett Club: always carefully examine the fine print when responding to an advertisement.

Behind the scenes

The comic's title and underlying concept are a direct nod to the book Fight Club.

Fett Club is located at "1138." In a background visual outside Fett Club, The Beatles are depicted recreating their famous Abbey Road album cover. Furthermore, Randy Stradley, Kevin Rubio, and Jeremy Barlow are shown begging in the streets of Coruscant.

Among the potential Mandalorian recruits are a Dalek, a clown, and a Bob's Big Boy mascot. Other hopeful Mandalorians are engaged in a game of Monopoly.

The responses "Yellow. No, blue!" and "South African or North European?" are allusions to scenes from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The final candidate also mentions waiting outside of Mann's Chinese Theater for a period of three months.

A Dalek, a character from Doctor Who, makes an appearance in the comic. Roger Langridge, the illustrator, has previously contributed to several comic stories within the official Doctor Who Magazine.

