The number 1138 is a recurring motif present within the creations and projects associated with George Lucas. This recurring inside joke, noticeable in Star Wars movies and LucasArts video games, has its roots in Lucas's earlier short film, Electronic Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EB. This short was subsequently developed into his initial theatrical film, entitled THX 1138. As a tribute to the director's previous endeavors, the number makes appearances across various Star Wars productions.
Various elements throughout Star Wars incorporate the number 1138 within their designations, and it frequently serves as an easter egg across Star Wars media:
- In Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope , during an Imperial officer's interrogation of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo concerning Chewbacca, Luke attempts to deceive him by stating it is a " Prisoner transfer from Cell Block 1138 ." [1] Not long after this, Han directs Luke, stating, "We need to determine the cell in which your princess is being held. Ah, here it is. 2187."[2] When C-3PO inquires about what he and R2-D2 should do if they are detected, the initial line displayed on the monitor behind them is "THX/1138".[1]
- In Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back , in the time leading up to the Battle of Hoth, General Rieekan instructs Rogues 10 and 11 to proceed to Station 3-8 . [1]
- In Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi , the number 1138 is etched onto the side of Boushh 's helmet . [1] [3]

- Within Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the number 1138 can be seen on the comlink booster pack attached to the back of a B1 battle droid. This is the droid that Jar Jar pushes, which leads to the shutdown of the droid control ship. [1] Although the number is rendered in Trade Federation Script, it is easily readable, even without assistance. [4]
- During the Battle of Geonosis in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, a B1 battle droid, engaged in firing at opposing Jedi, also features the number 1138 on its booster pack. Mace Windu is present, deflecting a blaster shot into an OOM command battle droid at the time. This number is, like before, written in Trade Federation Script, but is not difficult to decipher. [5] Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition officially confirms these numbers. [6] Furthermore, while not visible in the film itself, the clone troopers' helmets contain red LED lights displaying "1138" on the back. [1]
- The script for Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith identifies Clone Marshal Commander Bacara, known as CC-1138, as the clone who shoots down Ki-Adi-Mundi on Mygeeto, although this is not explicitly stated in the film. [1] [7] This detail was included in Star Wars Legends reference materials, such as The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. [8] The Databank on has since confirmed Bacara's designation as canon. [9]
- In Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, during the attack on the Jakku village, a First Order stormtrooper named FN-3181 (identified in the credits, but not by name in the film) appears, whose designation is a rearrangement of 1138. [10] The article "From "Blast That X-wing!" to "Traitor!": The Voices of Star Wars: The Force Awakens" mentions that, during the same attack, one stormtrooper says "Check over there," another replies "Fan out!", and the first answers "Copy that, 1138". [11] However, this dialogue is not audible in the final version of the film. [10]
- The number 1138 is visible on the side of the shuttle ferry in the Andor episode titled "Reckoning." [12]
- Within the Star Wars: Skeleton Crew episode "We're Gonna Be In So Much Trouble," while the characters are inside one of the vaults of the At Attin Mint, a safety droid states that there are a total of "one thousand, one hundred and thirty nine" vaults. [13] This implies that there are 1138 additional vaults, referencing THX-1138. [14]
- In the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Innocents of Ryloth," when Obi-Wan Kenobi is operating the proton cannon, the Aurebesh text in the screen's upper left corner displays "X: 11 Y: 38." [15]
- In the episode "Liberty on Ryloth," a display used by the Republic shows the Aurebesh text "X 11 Y 38." [16]
- In "The Zillo Beast Strikes Back," the platform holding the beast at the beginning of the episode is marked with "1381," which is a rearranged form of 1138. [17]
- In "Clone Cadets," Clone Commander Colt issues orders to test Domino Squad in the Citadel Challenge using THX variable 1138. [1] [18]
- In "The Citadel," the cargo shuttle utilized by the Jedi is designated "1138." [19]
- In the episode "The Summit," a sensor technician identifies the sensor temporarily disabled by Tech as sensor 38-11.
- In the Star Wars Rebels episode "Rebel Resolve," the Imperial officer's monitor shows a prisoner list written in Aurebesh. The first listed prisoner is "LADY M'ARSHNGTON" • "TK-1138." [20]
- In the non-canon animated special LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales, Graballa the Hutt is chased into the toilet by an axe-wielding battle droid known as B-14961138815. [21]
- In the non-canon animated special LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation, the sunscreen used by Darth Sidious displays "SPF 1138" in Aurebesh.
- In Star Wars: TIE Fighter, during Mission One of Battle Three, the player must inspect several suspicious containers labeled THX-1136A, THX-1137D, THX-1138B, THX-1139D, and THX-1140D. [22] [23]
- In Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Balance of Power Campaigns, a CR90 corvette is named 1138. [24]
- During the Battle of Calamari mission in Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, a pilot announces, "Fighters inbound on one -decimal- one-three-eight." [25]
- In Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, the Imperial stormtrooper unit responds with "THX-1138 ready, sir!" when selected. [26]
- In Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, 1-138 is the designation of an automated hauler that Kyle Katarn uses to reach the Cairn Installation in the Lenico Belt. In the 19th mission, the code to contact Rogue Squadron is T-H-X in Aurebesh. [27]
- Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter features Spacestation 1138 as a Trade Federation prison. [28]
- In Star Wars: Obi-Wan, a Jedi Temple lightsaber training droid is designated 1138. [29]
- In Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, the access code for a laboratory within the Geonosian Bio-Lab on Yavin 4 is 11380. A stormtrooper within the Dathomir Quarantine Zone has the ID number HX-138. [30]
- In Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike, during the single-player campaign on Endor, the player pilots a stolen AT-ST. If the player takes the right path at a fork, they will encounter enemy AT-STs, one of which shouts, "Unit 1138 what are you doing?!" as the player attacks. [31]
- In the video game Star Wars: Republic Commando, clone trooper Boss is designated RC-1138. During the Prosecutor stage, Republic Commando Scorch is held in cell 2187 in the assault ship's detention block. [1]
- In Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Galen Marek is referred to as "Subject 1138" during the escape from the Empirical. In Cloud City, the ship that Rahm Kota is near at the end contains THX 1138 in its designation. [32]
- In Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron, during the campaign mode on Endor, the player must destroy an AT-AT, and the pilot's name is TH 113. [33]
- In the sequel Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, Talus Haroon 10-11-38 is the clearance code required to dock on the Salvation. [1] Since X represents 10 in Roman numerals, this code is effectively Talus Haroon X-11-38.
- In Star Wars: The Old Republic, Section 1138 is a law within the Galactic Republic Charter. Many panel displays feature generic tech chatter in Aurebesh font, including the text "ALL SYSTEMS ACTIVE, RECHARGE POWER-CELL 1138 AT FULL POWER PROCEED AFTER SHUT-DOWN, WILL PROCEED AS SCHEDULED." [34]
- In Kinect Star Wars, the main reactor of the Nihilist is located on Level 1138. [35]
- In the tutorial for the browser game Star Wars Rebels: Ghost Raid, the score displayed in the top left corner is 001138. [36]
- The world-building game Disney Magic Kingdoms features a First Order stormtrooper named KT-1138. [37]
- In the novelization of A New Hope, the stormtrooper referred to as TK-421 in the film is designated THX-1138. [1]
- In The Lost City of the Jedi, an illustration shows a droid with the designation "THX-1" stenciled on its side. [23]
- In Queen of the Empire, upon arriving at Hologram Fun World, Han, Leia, and the droids are greeted by music emanating from 1,138 THX Ultrasound Speakers. [38]
- In Jedi Search, the code used by Wedge Antilles to deactivate a construction droid is "SGW 0027," with each character one step removed from "THX 1138." [23]
- In the novel Shadows of the Empire, Bothan spies find schematics for Death Star II in "sector T-Hard-Xenon" of a stolen computer. Additionally, a Black Sun guard named Thix is responsible for monitoring "sector 1138." [23]
- In Star Wars Missions 3: Attack on Delrakkin, an Imperial pilot is named 2249--1138, with each digit incremented by one. [39]
- In Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter, I-5YQ informs Lorn Pavan that his bank fraud plan would violate "communication protocols THX one-one-three—" before being cut off. [23]
- In The Last of the Jedi: Death on Naboo, upon reaching Dontamo, Solace tells Oryon that Ferus Olin's ship is at XYZ coordinates 1138, 1999, 2300. [40]
- The novel Death Star features a storage room aboard the Death Star designated 3181, a rearrangement of 1138. [41]
- In Republic Commando: True Colors, chapter 14, as Darman searches for fellow clone trooper Fi in the med bay, the med droid indicates that Fi is in "B eight, tank one-one-three," or Bay 8, tank 1-1-3. [42]
- In The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 2: Curse of the Black Hole Pirates, it is mentioned that Cleaver has been meditating for 46 hours, 11 minutes, and 38 seconds. [43]
- In the novel The Force Unleashed II, chapter 8, Rahm Kota's authorization code to land on the Salvation is "Talus Haroon Ten Eleven Thirty-eight." [44] Since X represents 10 in Roman numerals, this code is effectively Talus Haroon X-11-38.
- In Gambler's World, a newspaper comic strip later collected in Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures, [45] Imperial officers are rushing to respond to a priority "THX alert." [23]
- In Star Wars 52: To Take The Tarkin, Luke Skywalker becomes trapped in section "TH-11" while infiltrating the Tarkin superweapon. [46]
- In Shadow Stalker, an Imperial stormtrooper is known as 1138. [47]
- The comic story "Three Against the Galaxy," published in Star Wars Tales 3, features a tunnel called THX 8. [48]
- In the comic issue Republic 47, a droid model is called a THX servant droid. [49]
- In Republic 68, [50] a bioweapon is identified as trihexalophine1138. [1]
- The non-canon Infinities comic story Fett Club, featured in Star Wars Tales 24, lists Fett Club's address as "1138." [51]
- In the comic Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, chapter 8, Rahm Kota's authorization code to land on the Salvation is "Talus Haroon 10-11-38." [52] Since X represents 10 in Roman numerals, this code is effectively Talus Haroon X-11-38.
- In the comic short story "Bane vs ...Bane?," published in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.46, a docking bay is called Docking bay TH X-11-38. [53]
- The Legends short story "Death in the Slave Pits of Lorrd," originally published online by Hyperspace, [54] features a book titled One Thousand, One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Wonders of the Ancient Galaxy. [1]
- In The Isis Coordinates, one successful outcome involves the Imperial Star Destroyer Desolator colliding with a star named G-138. [23]
- In Wanted by Cracken, a wanted poster for Qan Gindoch displays the number 9573 THX1138 C25N printed on his mugshot. [23]
- In Heroes & Rogues, a character sheet for an "ISB Investigations Specialist" contains a quote by "Specialist 1138." [56]
- In "Special Ops: The Art of Infiltration," an article published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 17, a cancelled issue of the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Patrol 1138 is a five-man patrol of Imperial soldiers. [57]
- In the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, the number 1138 appears on all pages. [23]
- The online article Destabilization mentions a HoloNet node called "tee-aitch-dot-ex-one-dot-one-dot-three-dot-eight," or th.x. [58]
- Block 1138 Sable was a room block on the Errant Venture in the roleplaying sourcebook Scum and Villainy. [59]
- The stilt-legged airspeeder parked outside the Mos Eisley cantina in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, though not named in the film, is called a "Void Spider THX 1138" in Decipher's Star Wars Customizable Card Game. [1] [60]
- Although not stated in the film, the Young Jedi Collectible Card Game identifies one of the Vulture Droids attacking the Republic space cruiser at the beginning of The Phantom Menace as DFS-1138. [1] [61]
- In the simulator theme park Star Tours, a public address announcer warns the owner of a landspeeder named THX 1138 that the vehicle is parked in a no-hover area. [23]
- Spaceport THX1138 is a terminal for Star Tours and other travel agencies in the simulator ride theme park Star Tours: The Adventures Continue. [62] Star Tours Flight 1138 is a flight itinerary to Chandrila. [63]
- An e-card released on for Father's Day indicates that Jango Fett has 1138 messages. [64]
- This article, now obsolete but with a backup link, explores the presence of THX 1138 in the Star Wars universe: Looking for THX 1138 in a Galaxy Far, Far Away… on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Another article, also obsolete but backed up, discusses references to THX 1138 in Star Wars: Beyond a Cell Block: References to THX 1138 in Star Wars on (content now obsolete; backup link)