The Geonosian Bio-Lab, which is also referred to as the Geonosian biogenics research laboratory, was a clandestine laboratory on Yavin 4 utilized by the Geonosians. This facility served as a site for conducting experiments on various lifeforms, resulting in their mutation into grotesque monsters, intended for deployment in the Geonosian Execution Arena located on Geonosis.
During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Bothan spies intercepted communications between an Imperial officer by the name of Harmon Vintollo stationed on Kaadara and a clandestine Rebel operative named Teraeza Furloti situated in a hotel within Tyrena on Corellia. Their conversations alluded to a secret biogenics laboratory operated by the Geonosians. This intelligence was subsequently disseminated across the HoloNet. Additional information surfaced when a Geonosian individual named Ikvizi, who was being held as a prisoner on Kashyyyk, divulged the coordinates for obtaining a domesticated bolotaur inside the lab to a helpful traveler.
In the aftermath of the Battle of Yavin, rumors began to spread throughout the galaxy concerning the existence of this concealed laboratory. It was suggested that even more sinister creations, such as mutated Kwis and Klikniks possessing Force powers, were being developed for potential deployment.
Geological disturbances compromised the structural integrity of the base, causing the holo-generators responsible for concealing the complex's entrance to fail. Furthermore, these tremors triggered minor cave-ins, structural failures, and intermittent power outages, leading to widespread disorder within the facility.
The security systems of the base experienced malfunctions shortly after. The sentry droids tasked with guarding the complex became disoriented and began to target any unsuspecting individuals who inadvertently stumbled upon the now-exposed laboratory.
The ultimate fate of the lab following the Galactic Civil War remains unknown. Stories persist that small bands of spacers bravely ventured into the depths of the lab to eliminate the numerous acklays that lurked within, seeking to acquire valuable materials related to the creatures that could potentially be used in various armaments.
The Rebel Alliance suspected that the Geonosians operating within the lab were receiving covert support from the Galactic Empire. In 1 ABY, the Rebel agent Pashna Starkiller dispatched a spacer to the caves with the mission of recovering an Imperial dossier containing information about a particularly ruthless Imperial commander.
The Geonosian Bio-Lab was featured as a "dungeon" within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. The Geonosian Bio-Lab was integrated into the game through an update that was launched on February 24, 2004.