Kaadara, situated on Naboo's coast, was a modest urban center steeped in history. It came into existence millennia prior to the Battle of Yavin, functioning as an opulent getaway for the Naboo royal family. What set this locale apart from other Naboo settlements was the local inhabitants' openness to engaging with the indigenous Gungans. Under the leadership of its inaugural regent, Kallos Sook, Gungans were authorized to function as the city's security detail. After Naboo joined the Galactic Republic, Kaadara flourished as a well-known tourist hotspot, a trend that persisted into the era of the New Order. It became a favored destination for numerous high-ranking Imperial Moffs. During the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Imperial forces occupied Kaadara in an attempt to quell rebellious actions on Naboo. Simultaneously, the Royal Naboo Security Force, having replaced the Gungan defense force, vigorously defended the city against criminals, including a band of rogue slicers known as the Skaak Tippers. During the reign of Queen Kylantha, Kaadara also hosted the Festival of Love, extending a warm welcome to Ewoks hailing from Endor's Bright Tree Village to share their vibrant culture with the people of Naboo.
Kaadara, a premier tourist destination, was situated along the picturesque northern coastline of Naboo. This modest urban area was celebrated for its outdoor dining establishments, exquisite shorelines, and relaxed atmosphere. By the era of the Galactic Civil War fought between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, it had evolved into a significant commercial hub. The architectural style of the city's structures bore resemblance to those seen in other urban centers like Theed.
The city encompassed the Kaadara Starport, alongside various other amenities such as a cantina, a theater, a hotel, a medical facility, and a bank. During the Empire's crackdown on the Rebellion, an Imperial Post was established along the city's southern edge. Kaadara's central district featured a plaza housing the city's hotel and four association halls. To the south of the plaza were the city's cantina, bank, and medical center. Kaadara also possessed a small industrial zone, adjacent to which was a parking structure offering speeder repairs, and a shuttle port providing transportation services to other cities on Naboo.

Around 3900 BBY, a group of Humans originating from the Core World of Grizmallt established a colony on Naboo. Approximately a millennium later, around 2900 BBY, the small city of Kaadara was established along a scenic coastline in the planet's northern region. The city was initially conceived as an extravagant sanctuary for Naboo royalty and their extensive retinues. Early on, Kaadara stood out among Naboo's cities due to its local population's welcoming, even encouraging, attitude towards interactions with the native Gungans. Kallos Sook, Kaadara's first regent, even employed a substantial contingent of Gungans to serve as the city's security force. For numerous centuries, these Gungan mercenaries resided on the outskirts of Kaadara, safeguarding the retreat and its visitors from wild creatures and criminals.
As Naboo broadened its connections with other Republic worlds, Kadaara gained popularity among visiting dignitaries and affluent tourists. Regrettably, the growing presence of outsiders led the wary Gungans to relinquish their role as Kaadara's protectors. In their place, the Naboo government deployed a small garrison of Royal Naboo Security Force officers to patrol the city. These forces would be significantly augmented whenever the current Monarch of Naboo visited Kaadara. Without the Gungans controlling the local wildlife, several native, yet relatively harmless, animal populations multiplied uncontrollably. This rendered the area surrounding Kaadara a prime hunting location for the privileged elite.
In 54 BBY, the spouse and two offspring of Senator Vidar Kim met their demise in a devastating spaceship mishap above the city.
Following the Trade Federation's defeat at the Battle of Naboo in 32 BBY, Queen Padmé Amidala urged the Kaadara regent to revitalize the city's longstanding bond with the Gungans. Numerous Gungans actually relocated to the city and, alongside settlers from other worlds, laid the foundation for Kaadara's robust working class.

Since the Galactic Empire's arrival on Naboo in 18 BBY, Kaadara's well-established Gungan community was largely disregarded, possibly because Imperial forces understood that the city, a favorite of several high-ranking Moffs, would falter without its capable Gungan workforce. During the Galactic Civil War, Rebel insurgents launched attacks on Kaadara in an attempt to seize control of the city. To suppress such Rebel activities, Imperial forces were stationed in Kaadara. One Imperial officer, a Zabrak named Colonel Darkstone, contemplated retiring to a small residence near Kaadara, and Chief Inquisitor Loam Redge visited the city on at least one occasion. In fact, the city had become a de facto base for a specialized unit of Imperial Inquisition pilots during this period. Lieutenant Barn Sinkko of the Imperial Navy was stationed there, and he was responsible for initiating pilots into this secretive Inquisitorius squadron.
Kaadara, now regarded as a major commercial hub, also attracted criminal elements. Smugglers, mercenaries, and bounty hunters became commonplace, compelling those with bounties on their heads to avoid the city's less reputable areas. A criminal syndicate led by Jonni Skaak, known as the Skaak Tippers, also terrorized the city's peaceful inhabitants. Sergeant Willoc of the RNSF disappeared while investigating a Skaak Tipper scheme to pilfer bank terminals from Kaadara, infiltrate them, and gain access to the bank accounts of every city resident. However, their plans were thwarted by Colonel Quarsh Panaka, an Imperial loyalist who continued to oversee activities in the RNSF following the Battle of Yavin.
Meanwhile, Queen Kylantha extended invitations to the Ewoks of Endor to visit Naboo for annual celebrations of the Festival of Love. Despite their distrust of outsiders, shaman Logray agreed to participate in the festivities alongside Chief Chirpa and other representatives from Bright Tree Village. Both Kaadara and the capital city of Theed hosted these celebrations, providing the tribe with the opportunity to share their rich culture with the galaxy.
Kaadara was founded and populated by the people of Naboo. Early on, Kaadara stood out among Naboo's cities because its residents welcomed the planet's native Gungans. Under the regency of Kallos Sook, these Gungans served as the city's initial security force. Although the Gungan population's significance waned following Naboo's integration with the Galactic Republic, they once again formed the foundation of Kaadara's powerful working class under Queen Amidala's rule.
During the height of the New Order, Kaadara became a favored destination for many high-ranking Imperial Moffs and a desirable retirement location. As an Imperial garrison city, Kaadara's streets were heavily patrolled by stormtroopers, including specialized stormrifles, stormsnipers, and stormmedics, among others, who were augmented by members of the Naboo police. All Terrain Scout Transports also accompanied these Imperial street patrols. During periods of Rebel occupation, the streets were overrun by various soldiers of the Rebel Alliance, including commandos belonging to the Alliance Special Forces. Otherwise, the city was nominally affiliated with the Galactic Empire and served as a base of operations for numerous Imperial activities. Lieutenant Barn Sinkko of the Imperial Navy was based out of one of the city's association halls, while an undercover Imperial Security Bureau operative named Leb Slesher conducted business in the city's cantina. Slesher was served by another Human named Tamvar Senzen, who resided at the Kaadara hotel. Lieutenants Maximilian Vox and Harmon Vintollo were also stationed in the city, as was Colonel Panaka, an Imperial loyalist who combated the Skaak Tippers in service of the Royal Naboo Security Force. Colonel Panaka held Kaadara in high regard, considering it one of the most beautiful places on Naboo.
In addition to its substantial staff of Imperial officers and other Human residents and visitors, Kaadara was inhabited by a number of Gungans, including Mullud Bombo and Huff Zinga. A pirate named Ketter Yaaran also frequented the city's cantina. A Gotal named Dakk also worked as an armorsmith in Kaadara for the Nal Raka Criminal Empire.
Kaadara made an appearance as a city on Naboo in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, prior to its shutdown on December 15, 2011.
To enhance the Star Wars "look and feel" of the game, the developers bolstered the Imperial presence in Kaadara as part of the "Imperial Crackdown" update, which was released on February 11, 2004. This involved establishing a small Imperial base south of the city's starport. While Kaadara was officially recognized as an Imperial city both in the game and in other sources, such as The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, the Rebel Alliance could occupy the city during the Galactic Civil War's planetary control game. Consequently, banners displaying the Alliance Starbird could appear throughout the city, and its streets could occasionally be patrolled by Rebel Alliance factional personnel.
In 2008, the Ewok Festival of Love was added to Star Wars Galaxies as a special event. Beginning in 2009, Kaadara was included as one of the cities hosting the event, and it continued to do so during subsequent Festival of Love events in 2010 and 2011.
The Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game expansion Squadrons Over Corellia featured a card titled "Tipping the Balance," the description of which referenced Kaadara. However, the card description misspelled the city's name as "Kadaara."