Maximilian Vox

Maximilian Vox was a Human male officer serving the Galactic Empire during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Lieutenant Maximilian Vox, who directly commanded Commander Arlan Barrezz, was stationed on Naboo at Kaadara sometime following the events of 0 BBY. In 1 ABY, he engaged a spacer who had previously collaborated with Commander Barrezz on Tatooine. Vox's mission for the operative involved the recovery of various droid modules originating from the time of the Old Republic. Vox's intention was to reconstruct a potent droid artificial intelligence technology that had been lost to time. Simultaneously, Rebel Agent Wilson Tchorshel's operatives also sought these droid modules. The spacer located the positional awareness triangulator chip within a mouse droid utilized by the Skaak Tippers at their hideout. The Hutt crime lord Borvo provided the decentralized autonomy chip after the spacer successfully breached the security of Borvo's Vault. With the aid of Professor Zanier Hudmasse, the spacer obtained the strategy/tactics simulation chip by destroying a droideka located within the headquarters of Stonewall Labs. Ultimately, the spacer, aided by Boss Nass, secured the stochastic decision chip by eliminating a super battle droid under the control of the Ultragungan Militia. Following the operative's success, Maximilian Vox awarded them the Medal of the Emperor's Fist. After gathering the four modules, Vox promptly departed Naboo to deliver the AI modules to Imperial scientists and droid engineers.

Behind the scenes

Within the video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony and released by LucasArts, Maximilian Vox made an appearance as a non-player character. This appearance occurred before the game's shutdown on December 15, 2011. Vox was integrated into the game as part of the "Legacy Quest" accompanying the release of "Publish 25," also known as the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005.

