Stochastic decision chip

A novel type of droid processing unit, known as a stochastic decision chip, was tested and created in the era of the Old Republic. This particular module gave a droid the capability to make decisions about situations for a limited duration, chosen at random, so it could self-teach itself the optimal action to take in each scenario. By the time that the Battle of Naboo occurred, Republic forces had begun to utilize stochastic chips; however, most droids that were equipped with these chips were subsequently destroyed. The sole remaining chip during the time of the Galactic Civil War was housed inside a B2 super battle droid, which had been seized as a war prize on Naboo by the Ultragungan Militia. A spacer, with assistance from Boss Nass, gained entry to the droid in 1 ABY and destroyed the droid to obtain the stochastic decision chip.

