The Skaak Tippers were a band of outlaw computer slicers who operated on Naboo during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
This organization, the Skaak Tippers, engaged in the unlawful exchange of information, the theft of funds from bank accounts, and various other forms of cybercrime. The name of their group was inspired by a few different things. The "Tipper" element was plainly taken from the nickname of their chief. The letters "sk" in "Skaak" came from the SK measurement unit for digital data, while "aak" was derived from the fearsome aak dogs native to Haruun Kal. The intention behind the name was to convey the image of the Skaak Tippers as a group of dangerous computer intruders.
A mysterious Corellian known only as "Tipper" established the Skaak Tippers. He acquired this name because he would "tip" the contents of other people's bank accounts into his own.

By the time the Battle of Yavin occurred, the RSF Intelligence Division considered the Skaak Tippers to be one of the four major criminal syndicates operating on Naboo, alongside the Mummers, the Nal Raka Criminal Empire, and the Darkwalkers. The Skaak Tippers had antagonistic relationships with Borvo's organization and the Darkwalkers.
When the gang began interfering with the smuggling operations of Radeld Siwar on Naboo, Siwar dispatched a young smuggler to address the issue. The smuggler executed an ambush, killing several gang members near Theed to send the gang a clear message.
In 1 ABY, the Skaak Tippers infiltrated the Old war bunker close to Kaadara, a research facility that the Royal Naboo Security Forces used to gain insights into the Trade Federation droids during the Invasion of Naboo. Simultaneously, Colonel Panaka of the RSF initiated an investigation into the Skaak Tippers. He sent Sergeant Willoc to the old war bunker and a spacer to confiscate weapons crates belonging to the Skaak Tippers near the Skaak Tipper Compound. Agents of the Royal Naboo Security Forces discovered that the Tippers were devising a plan to steal all bank terminals from across Kaadara. However, the Skaak Tippers experienced a significant setback when RSF agents killed one of their leaders, Jonni Skaak, during the assault of the Skaak Tipper Hideout.
Meanwhile, the Skaak Tippers and Darkwalkers used blackmail against Hugo Eckener, the father of the indebted Karl Eckener, to coerce him into hiring spacers to attack Borvo Bunker. Later, Toff Henrou, a Skaak Tipper, instructed the spacers to attack the Darkwalker Cave, while Jorgellansel, a Darkwalker, ordered them to attack the Skaak Tipper Compound.
Shortly after this, Hunnos Jarkey, a wanted murderer, briefly sought refuge in the Skaak Tipper Compound after escaping from the Royal Naboo Security Forces.
Subsequently, Tanoa Vills dispatched a spacer to the Skaak Tipper Cave, situated in the Gallo Mountains, to acquire octave regulators from Skaak Tipper machinists.
Some time later, the Skaak Tippers, operating from the Skaak Tipper Bunker in the Lasay Swamp, stole a valuable Gungan artifact. As a result, Boss Rugor Nass sent a spacer to retrieve the artifact from the bunker. After killing Tomi Skaak, the leader of the bunker, the spacer discovered that the artifact had been moved to the Skaak Tipper Cave in the Gallo Mountains. The spacer traveled to the cave and ultimately killed Dee Skaak to recover the Gungan artifact.