SK represented a measurement for computer information. The Swift 78B Vessel Courier System, a cranial implant designed for transporting confidential data, possessed a memory capacity of 800 SKs.

In the era of the Galactic Civil War, the rogue slicers called the Skaak Tippers derived the initial portion of their moniker from a blend of the SK measurement unit and the aak dog, an animal indigenous to the planet Haruun Kal. "Tipper," the group's originator, thought that the name conveyed the impression of the Skaak Tippers being dangerous cybercriminals.

Behind the scenes

The SK measurement unit initially appeared within the 1991 resource book Cracken's Rebel Field Guide, a supplementary text for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game released by West End Games.


  • Cracken's Rebel Field Guide (Initial Mention)
  • CorSec Database H-Z located on the official Star Wars Galaxies webpage (content is now outdated; archived link)

Notes and references
