Confiscation of Skaak Tipper weapons crates

The seizure of illicit goods belonging to the Skaak Tippers was an operation executed in the vicinity of Kaadara. This mission was conducted by operatives of the Royal Naboo Security Forces, all under the command of Colonel Quarsh Panaka.


During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Naboo suffered from the actions of various criminal syndicates. Among these was the Skaak Tippers, a group of skilled hackers who presented a grave danger to Naboo's financial stability. To gather intelligence on the Skaak Tippers, the Royal Naboo Security Forces sent Sergeant Willoc to investigate a bunker located on the beach just outside the city of Kaadara. This bunker had previously served as a research site for studying Trade Federation droids around the time of the Invasion of Naboo. Regrettably, Sergeant Willoc disappeared during his assignment.

Skaak Tippers around the Old war bunker.

Subsequently, a spacer arrived at the bunker, seeking information related to experimental droid artificial intelligence from the time of the Old Republic. He fought his way inside and discovered a comlink, believed to have been taken from Willoc, deep within the bunker's structure. Upon activating the comlink, they made contact with RSF Colonel Quarsh Panaka, who inquired about their possession of Sergeant Willoc's communication device. After the spacer explained the situation to Panaka, the RSF recruits were instructed to continue their fight against the Skaak Tippers until they obtained more information about their operations.

The raid

In an effort to gain further knowledge about the Skaak Tippers, the spacers confronted the criminals in the Eastern Great Grass Plains. After eliminating at least eleven Skaak Tippers and examining their bodies, the RSF agents discovered a radio communication device on one of the deceased. The RSF agents turned on the radio unit, and by impersonating Skaak Tippers, they successfully obtained the coordinates of another Skaak Tipper location, which contained ten crates of weapons.

The RSF agents proceeded to the newly acquired location, situated further along the coastline. They engaged the Skaak Tippers in combat, and during the confrontation, the RSF agents managed to locate and seize the weapons crates, subsequently escaping with them.


The RSF agents reported their findings to Panaka, who was alarmed to learn about the Skaak Tippers' weapons smuggling activities. Based on the information provided by the RSF recruits and previous intelligence from Willoc, he concluded that the Skaak Tippers were planning to attack Kaadara in order to infiltrate the city's bank terminals and steal their contents. The RSF recruits received rewards and were then sent on a direct attack on another Skaak Tipper base.

