The number 1138 is frequently referenced in George Lucas' various creative works as an homage to his initial full-length motion picture, THX 1138 from 1971. Within the Star Wars universe, 1138 is associated with the following:
- A First Order stormtrooper, known as 1138, served in the decades following the Galactic Civil War.
- A B1-series battle droid, designated 1138, participated in the First Battle of Geonosis.
- 1138 was a Trade Federation B1 battle droid.
- Cell Block 1138 was supposedly located within the DS-1 Death Star Mobile Battle Station.
- CC-1138, also known as Bacara, held the rank of Clone Marshal Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic.
- Boss, identified as RC-1138, served as a clone commando within the Galactic Republic.
- B-14961138815 was a B1-series battle droid shown breaking down a door utilizing an ax.
- A First Order stormtrooper, KT-1138, who also went by the names " Kaity " and " Kaitlyn ."
- Sith Lords used a sunscreen product called SPF 1138.
- A battle droid designated 1138 served the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
- During the Galactic Civil War, a CR90 corvette was designated 1138.
- 1138 was a stormtrooper stationed on Corulag.
- A Jedi Temple lightsaber training droid was identified as 1138.
- A B1-Series battle droid seen after the destruction of the Droid Control Ship during the Battle of Naboo was designated 1138.
- Kyle Katarn piloted an automated hauler designated 1-138 to the Cairn Installation in the Lenico Belt.
- Qan Gindoch's prisoner number was 9573 THX1138 C25N.
- Block 1138 Sable was a block of rooms on the Errant Venture.
- The clone trooper commander Bacara was designated CC-1138.
- Luke Skywalker and Han Solo claimed they were transferring Chewbacca as a prisoner from Cell Block 1138 aboard the first Death Star.
- DFS-1138 was a Vulture droid.
- Docking bay 1138 was a docking bay on the planet Druckenwell.
- Docking bay TH X-11-38 was a docking bay in the space city New Tayana.
- Ualp Xathan authored a book entitled One Thousand, One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Wonders of the Ancient Galaxy.
- The Thaereian military issued an Order 1138.
- Patrol 1138 consisted of five Imperial soldiers.
- The clone commando Boss was designated RC-1138.
- Section 1138 was a law within the Galactic Republic Charter.
- Spaceport THX1138 was a terminal for Star Tours and other travel agencies. An altercation occurred here, named Raid at Spaceport THX1138.
- Spacestation 1138 was a Trade Federation prison.
- Star Tours Flight 1138 was a flight to Chandrila.
- While on board the Empirical, Darth Vader's secret apprentice was called Subject 1138. Subject 1138 was a clone of the original Starkiller.
- THX-1138 was another stormtrooper.
- Trihexalophine1138 was the designation of the Separatist bioweapon that devastated Honoghr.
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