Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter

Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter is the successor in video-game form to Star Wars: Starfighter, and it can be played on both the PlayStation 2 (PS2) and the Xbox consoles. LucasArts took on the development, with its release hitting shelves on March 10, 2002 specifically for the PS2. The game's narrative unfolds both before and during the storyline of _Star Wars_: Episode II Attack of the Clones, which places it a decade following the events of the original game. Moreover, it played a role in previewing numerous aspects of the film prior to its theatrical debut.

The voice of Kole, among other characters, was provided by the actor Jeff Seaberg.

Opening crawl


The game commences its narrative sequence above Geonosis, where Captain Cavik Toth of Sabaoth Squadron receives a communication from Count Dooku. Sabaoth Squadron, in collaboration with the Trade Federation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, is in the process of developing a weapon of mass destruction known as trihexalon within the confines of the Karthakk system.

In a parallel narrative, Jedi Master Adi Gallia is instructed by Mace Windu to engage with and potentially enlist the services of Nym, the mercenary whose heroic actions during the Battle of Naboo are not widely known. Gallia views this assignment as an opportunity to evaluate the capabilities of the newly developed Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor—referred to as the "Jedi starfighter." Following a successful training exercise with Saesee Tiin in the skies above Coruscant, Adi sets off in her prototype starfighter to rendezvous with Reti, Nym's representative. Their meeting is disrupted by the unexpected arrival of droid starfighters from the Trade Federation, which compels the two pilots to engage in battle against them and their C-9979 landing craft. Gallia and Reti emerge victorious, though their actions are observed by both a Sabaoth Squadron spy ship and Jango Fett, the latter of whom is motivated by the prospect of claiming a bounty placed on Reti.

Reti then guides Adi to Maramere, where Nym and his lieutenant Jinkins are attempting to pilfer codes to an orbital detention facility from a small island installation. Their mission proves successful, but they are only able to overcome the Trade Federation forces deployed to thwart them with Adi's assistance. Despite this, Nym is unwilling to heed Gallia's proposition, though he does permit her to participate in the raid on Spacestation 1138, where members of the Mere Resistance are being held captive. The codes obtained by Jinkins facilitate the escape of Captain Orsai and his comrades from the prison, and, with Nym, Gallia, and other pilots providing aerial cover, the escapees board the Liberator and flee into hyperspace.

With his ranks reinforced, Nym makes his way back to Maramere with the intention to destroy a sensor array that has been monitoring his movements for the past decade. The assault team fights its way through the station's aquatic defenses and successfully demolishes the facility. However, the Neimoidian Harro Ruuk survives the attack, and launches a last-ditch offensive against Nym's forces from a submersible assault vessel. He offers considerable resistance, but is ultimately defeated and his vehicle is destroyed—though Ruuk manages to eject himself and escape the scene.

Orbiting Nod Kartha, Captain Toth, in the company of Lieutenant Bella, meets with Ruuk and two other Neimoidians who are overseeing the trihexalon initiative. Toth expresses his displeasure at their lack of punctuality, and uses their very own weapon against them, eliminating the project leaders and seizing control of the project. Simultaneously, Nym and Jinkins launch an assault on a Trade Federation mining operation located at Mount Merakan, while Adi, Reti, and Sol Sixxa defend Maramere's capital, Point Modie, from Toth's initial test of the trihexalon weapon.

Jedi Starfighter

Recognizing the magnitude of the threat posed by this new weapon, Nym and his squad head for Nod Kartha, the heavily fortified hub of trihexalon production. As they emerge from hyperspace above the planet, Captain Orsai's cruiser, the Kethor, is struck by an orbital defense weapon, leaving only the Tritus as the team's primary weapons cruiser. While the Tritus and the starfighters engage in combat with Vulture droids, Scarab fighters, and droid bombers, the Kethor is set on a collision course with one of the planet's three orbital deflector shield generators. His crew evacuates the doomed cruiser, though Orsai himself remains on board as his ship crashes into the generator, destroying it. At this juncture, Sabaoth Squadron arrives, consisting of multiple frigates and waves of Sabaoth starfighters. Nym's forces retaliate, eventually managing to destroy the remaining two generators and make their way to the planet's surface. However, Jango Fett also joins the fray, forcing Reti into hyperspace, with his destination unknown.

With two pilots missing, the assault team continues its mission undeterred, launching a valiant attack on the main trihexalon production facility. After warding off starfighters and Trade Federation frigates, Nym manages to infiltrate the factory and detonate the main reactor, effectively cutting off Toth's supply of Hex weapons. With their objective achieved, the team decides to split up: Adi has been ordered to Geonosis to assist with a large-scale invasion, while Nym plans to reclaim his base on Lok. The two part ways on amicable terms, with Nym having finally developed respect for the Jedi Master. As Adi departs, Nym's pilots engage the Sabaoth destroyer Reaver near a disabled Orbital Defense Cannon above Nod Kartha, with the intention of reassembling it on the moon above Lok.

Adi is reunited with her Padawan, Siri Tachi, and together they escort the Republic assault ship Aken, which is carrying thousands of clone troopers and Master Yoda himself, to the surface of Geonosis. They fight their way past Geonosian starfighters and a blockade of Trade Federation Missile Frigates, and later assist the clone troopers in their initial assaults against the Confederacy on the planet's surface.

Meanwhile, Nym gathers his forces to launch an attack against the Trade Federation base on Lok, formerly Nym's own headquarters. They first attack Lok's moon, Khons, and set up their captured cannon. It becomes a race against time with the arrival of a Trade Federation cruiser, though the Lok Revenants manage to install the cannon and destroy the oncoming cruiser. The cannon is deployed during Nym's main assault on the base, where it destroys several refueling Trade Federation dropships and missile frigates as Nym battles waves of droid starfighters. Sol Sixxa leads a speeder bike squad on a commando mission to destroy the main doors, allowing Nym to enter the base and destroy the droid factory within. Lieutenant Bella is waiting for him in her assault transport, and engages Nym in a vicious dogfight. Nym prevails, and finally takes back Lok. He is also joined by Vana Sage, his companion from the battle of Naboo, who promises to track down Reti, else learn of his fate.

The First Battle of Geonosis has commenced. Adi and Siri return to orbit, only to discover Captain Toth's Hex fleet assembled above, poised to bombard the planet's surface and decimate the Republic war effort. Adi and Siri, aided by several other Jedi pilots in Delta-7 fighters, destroy the Hex Deployers and Bombers, though they are subsequently forced to contend with two Sabaoth Destroyers and their starfighter complements. Fortunately, help arrives in the form of Nym's team, soon followed by three Mere cruisers. The Destroyers are overwhelmed, though a third appears to take their place: Toth's flagship. This, too, is unable to withstand the combined firepower of the Lok Revenants, though Toth himself escapes his doomed flagship in his personal starfighter. He challenges Adi to a dogfight, but is no match for the Jedi Master. He loses control of his starfighter, which is destroyed by Gallia moments before his flagship explodes.

The battle below is won, though not without cost, as Mace Windu relays to Adi. Fortunately, with Toth dead, the Sabaoth Squadron is no longer a threat. The Jedi attempt to recruit Nym, impressed with his actions during the campaign, though he remains wary of joining the Jedi. Nevertheless, he is now a firm ally of the Republic, and Adi promises to continue serving as the protector of the Karthakk system.


Much like its predecessor, Star Wars: Starfighter, this sequel allows players to control a diverse array of starfighters within a 3D spatial simulation, spanning fifteen campaign levels in addition to several bonus levels. Aside from the primary mission objectives that the player must complete, each level incorporates one bonus objective and one hidden objective, the successful completion of which unlocks secret missions, videos, and playable starfighters.

Initially, players have access to two starfighters: Adi Gallia's Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor, and Nym's Havoc bomber. The latter is armed with four "secondary weapons" (energy bomblets, cruise missiles, cluster missiles, and proximity mines) in addition to its standard laser cannons, while the former utilizes both quad-pulse lasers and four Force powers in combat: Force Shield, which grants the starfighter brief invulnerability; Force lightning, capable of destroying chains of small- to medium-sized enemies; Force reflex, which slows down time in the surrounding environment to simulate the Jedi's lightning-fast reactions; and Force Shockwave, which emits a potent destructive ring from the ship, damaging or destroying everything within its radius.

Bonus starfighters that can be unlocked also possess secondary weapons: Reti's Zoomer is equipped with a powerful heavy cannon in addition to three of Nym's secondary weapons; the Freefall can deploy mechanized drone fighters; the X-wing fires proton torpedoes and can adjust its S-foils for combat; the Republic Gunship is armed with concussion missiles and a beam weapon; and Slave I is equipped with torpedoes and seismic charges. Furthermore, inputting the code "HEADHUNT" unlocks the Z-95 Headhunter, which features the same armament as the X-wing.


The game includes five training missions and fifteen combat missions.

Mission 1: The Informant

Master Adi Gallia journeys to the Ruby Nebula in order to make contact with her informant from the Lok Resistance.

  • Bonus objective: Destroy any escaping data pods.
  • Hidden objective: Destroy the spyship.

Mission 2: Unlikely Allies

Reti leads Adi Gallia to Nym, the leader of the Lok Revenants, who are currently engaged in an operation against the Trade Federation.

Mission 3: Prison Break

Utilizing the stolen codes acquired from the island base on Maramere, Nym attempts to liberate his comrades from the notorious Spacestation 1138.

  • Bonus objective: Destroy the airlock door.
  • Hidden objective: Destroy every walking droids inside the hangar.

Mission 4: Turning the Tides

Nym and Adi escort Demolition Boats to dismantle the problematic Trade Federation sensor station situated on the islands of Maramere.

  • Bonus objective: Ensure that both Demolition Boats survive.
  • Hidden objective: Destroy every Tractor Beam Tower.

Mission 5: Poisoned Skies

Cavik Toth tests his new secret weapon against a peaceful coastal community as Adi and Reti rush to intercept the incoming attack.

  • Bonus objective: Protect the island shelter.
  • Hidden objective: Destroy all enemy forces.

Mission 6: Mount Merakan

Nym and Jinkins conduct a raid on a massive Trade Federation complex located at the summit of the expansive Mount Merakan.

Mission 7: Hammer and Anvil

With the assistance of Mere Cruisers, Adi and Nym attempt to penetrate the formidable defense network surrounding the planet Nod Kartha.

  • Bonus objective: Ensure that the Tritus sustains no hull damage.
  • Hidden objective: Destroy all three Trade Federation Freighters.

Mission 8: Demolition Squad

Adi guides Nym and his team of red devil comrades into shield bunkers protecting the Trihexalon factory on Nod Kartha.

  • Bonus objective: Ensure that all commandos survive.
  • Hidden objective: Destroy all landers and Freighters.

Mission 9: Dragon's Den

With the production source of the Trihexalon weapon exposed, Nym and the Lok Revenants focus their assault on the massive factory complex.

  • Bonus objective: Destroy all bombers.
  • Hidden objective: Prevent every Hex Deployers from escaping.

Mission 10: Tug of War

Nym, Jenkins and the Lok Revenants attempt to recover the parts to an Orbital Defense Cannon from the wreckage above Nod Kartha.

  • Bonus objective: Destroy all missile frigates.
  • Hidden objective: Ensure that no friendly Tugs are lost.

Mission 11: Escort to Geonosis

A transport carrying the clone army is ambushed in the asteroid belt above Geonosis. Adi Gallia and Siri Tachi must escort the vessel to safety.

  • Bonus objective: Destroy the pursuing missile frigates.
  • Hidden objective: Destroy all Trade Federation Landers.

Mission 12: Cannon Fodder

Rebuilding the Orbital Cannon on the Khons moon above Lok represents Nym's last hope at reclaiming his crater base.

  • Bonus objective: Ensure that all tugs survive.
  • Hidden objective: Destroy every turret.

Mission 13: Attack of the Clones

Adi Gallia and Siri Tachi escort a group of Clone Troopers to destroy Geonosian military infrastructure vital to the Confederacy.

Mission 14: Heart of the Storm

Now in command of the Orbital Cannon, Nym returns to Lok to reclaim his base from the Trade Federation.

  • Bonus objective: Destroy all escaping Dropships.
  • Hidden objective: Ensure that all Mere Transports survive.

Mission 15: The Jedi Master

Adi and Siri must stop Captain Cavik Toth and his war fleet before he reaches Geonosis with the secret weapon.

  • Bonus objective: Destroy all Hex Bombers and Missiles.
  • Hidden objective: Ensure that all Mere Cruisers survive.

Bonus Missions

Additional levels are unlocked as the player advances through the main campaign, accompanied by bonus materials such as LucasArts trailers, image slideshows, a team commentary, and outtakes.

Escort Duty

Randomly generated enemies threaten peaceful vessels as Adi Gallia and Nym scramble to protect them.

  • One or two player

Advanced Prototype Test

Under the guidance of Saesee Tiin, Adi Gallia assesses the performance of the prototype Jedi Starfighter under extreme conditions.

  • One player only (Jedi starfighter)

Riding Shotgun

As Nym speeds toward the Mountain Base, his turret gunner must remain vigilant for any potential threats.

  • Complete Mission 6 Bonus Objective to unlock
  • One player ( Havoc turret)

The Lone Gunship

Cut off from the main Republic battle group, a single Gunship stumbles onto a Confederate counterattack.

  • Complete Mission 13 Bonus Objective to unlock for one player
  • Complete all 2 player Hidden Objectives to unlock for two player
  • One or two player (Republic gunship/gunship turret)

Jango Fett

Jango Fett, the galaxy's most feared bounty hunter, has finally located the infamous smuggler Race Kartan. Jango is aware that Race will not surrender without a fight.

  • Complete Mission 15 Bonus Objective to unlock
  • One player only ( Slave I )

Coruscant Cloudtops

Attempt to gain control of territories by flying near them unopposed. Earn points for each territory controlled and for each enemy destroyed. Spend points to buy wingmates. The first team to reach 100 points wins.

  • Xbox version only
  • Two player only ( Zoomer / Slave I )

Classic Dogfight

Engage in a dogfight as an X-wing against a TIE Fighter within an abandoned Trade Federation training facility located in the Ruby Nebula.

  • Complete Mission 2 Bonus Objective to unlock
  • Two player only (X-wing/TIE fighter)

Droid Hunter

Destroy swarms of enemy craft before they can enter the teleportation Orb.

  • Complete Mission 11 Bonus Objective to unlock
  • Two player only (Adi/Jenkins)

Showdown Over Geonosis

Jango Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi confront each other in the asteroid belt above Geonosis.

  • Complete all 2 player Hidden Objectives to unlock
  • Two player only (Jedi starfighter/ Slave I )


During the level "Attack of the Clones", Siri Tachi appears to be unfamiliar with both the B2 super battle droid and the OG-9 homing spider droid, despite having encountered them a year prior during a mission to Korriban.

In the bonus level "Escort Duty," Imperial TIE Fighters and TIE Interceptors may occasionally appear, and X-wings will arrive to assist you, given that the enemies are randomized.

In the bonus level "Jango Fett," Reti will appear in his Zoomer if Fett flies near a lone asteroid. In the Xbox version of the game, there is simply one Reti. However, in the PlayStation 2 version, multiple Retis will appear.

Certain dialogue within the game will be altered if the player has a save file from Star Wars: Starfighter stored in their memory.

In the level "Mount Merakan", a B1 battle droid can be observed constructing a snowman at the base of the mountain on the far side from the level's starting point.

