Nod Kartha, found within the Karthakk system, existed as a barren and rocky world.
Before the Clone Wars began, this planet housed a Trade Federation lab that manufactured the prohibited chemical weapon known as trihexalon. Robust deflector shield systems and numerous orbital defense cannons provided significant protection to the world.
After the Hex attack that occurred on Maramere, Nym's pirate forces managed to break through this defense. Nym, assisted by Mere cruisers, created an opening in the orbital defenses and launched an attack on the Hex factory located on the planet. Nym, along with the Lok Revenants, successfully destroyed the facility, which put a stop to Hex weapon production for Cavik Toth's hired soldiers. As Nym's forces were escaping Nod Kartha, they were confronted by Lieutenant Bella and her assigned group. Despite this, they managed to salvage a damaged orbital defense cannon and jump to hyperspace, while also severely damaging the Reaver during their escape.