Aken (Acclamator-class)

The vessel known as the Aken served as an Acclamator-class assault ship during the initial period of the Clone Wars.


Before the First Battle of Geonosis, its inaugural assignment involved ferrying clone troopers along with Grand Master Yoda from Kamino to Geonosis in 22 BBY. As it neared Geonosis, attempting to evade planetary radar detection by navigating the asteroid field, the ship was spotted by Vulture droid starfighters. Luckily, both Siri Tachi and Adi Gallia were nearby. The Jedi starfighters, alongside the transport, faced immense pressure as they defended against waves of droid and Geonosian starfighters, in addition to a group of Lupus-class missile frigates. Ultimately, they prevailed, and the Aken became the first Republic assault ship to touch down on the surface of Geonosis.

