The Lupus-class missile frigate, alternatively referred to as the Trade Federation Missile Frigate, functioned as a light frigate. It was utilized by the Trade Federation leading up to and during the Invasion of Naboo. Later, it saw service within the CIS Navy in the early stages of the Clone Wars.
This Trade Federation Missile Frigate exhibited a lengthy, curved hull design, complemented by two pincer-shaped extensions at its front. Its armament consisted of concussion missile launchers, enabling it to fire either two or four missiles simultaneously. Upon impact, these projectiles produced significant explosions accompanied by distinctive orange-red trails. Furthermore, the frigate was equipped with six anti-starfighter cannons, a shield generator, and possessed hyperspace-travel capability.
Captain Nym, a pirate, engaged several Missile Frigates in combat during his operations against Trade Federation forces located in the Karthakk system. These vessels also participated in the blockade surrounding Naboo.
The ships were active during the Occupation of Karthakk. A group of Missile Frigates set an ambush for the Acclamator-class assault ship called the Aken as it approached Geonosis just before the Clone Wars began in 22 BBY. Adi Gallia and Siri Tachi assisted the Aken in breaching the defensive line, allowing it to reach the planet's surface.
The Trade Federation Missile Frigates made their initial appearance in the video game Star Wars: Starfighter, released in 2001.