Hex missiles represented a type of projectile missile that utilized a unique warhead. This warhead was loaded with the chemical weapon Trihexalon, also known as Dragon's Breath. Sabaoth Squadron's Captain Cavik Toth made use of Hex missiles against the indigenous population of Maramere in the time leading up to the Clone Wars.
Captain Toth commissioned the creation of Hex weapons at the foundry located on Nod Kartha. He then gave the order to Lieutenant Bella to evaluate their effectiveness against the Point Modie settlement situated on Maramere.
Hex missiles descended from orbit onto the island. Fortunately for the Mere inhabitants, Jedi Master Adi Gallia, piloting her Delta-7 starfighter, intervened. She successfully neutralized the missiles before they could reach Point Modie. Subsequently, her pirate associate Nym spearheaded the strike force that destroyed the production facility on Nod Kartha.
Utilizing his remaining stock of Hex missiles, Toth initiated an assault on the Galactic Republic forces fighting on Geonosis, dispatching Hex Deployers and bombers toward the planet's surface. Once again, Master Gallia intervened, managing to intercept and obliterate all missiles directed at Geonosis, before ultimately eliminating Toth and his flagship.
Achieving victory in the missions of the video game Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter where these weapons are present does not require destroying all Hex missiles.