The Hex Deployer, alternatively referred to as a Hex deployment vessel or Chem Deployer, functioned as an assault transport utilized initially by Sabaoth Squadron, and subsequently placed under the control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
These Hex Deployers were sizable, with a rounded design, and possessed the capability to transport and support starfighter escorts, including Sabaoth starfighters alongside Hex Bombers. Their defensive systems incorporated warhead launchers, enabling the launch of salvos of concussion missiles or missiles that had been modified to carry the lethal Hex warheads. These weapons were manufactured on Nod Kartha and contained the chemical substance Trihexalon. Furthermore, Hex Deployers featured two anti-starfighter laser turrets, intended to repel potential attackers as they deployed their payload.

Prior to Captain Cavik Toth's alliance with Count Dooku, which occurred a decade following the Battle of Naboo, Hex Deployers were dispatched by Toth with the mission of obliterating an island settlement located on Maramere. These Deployers were subsequently destroyed by Jedi Master Adi Gallia, aided by Reti and Sol Sixxa. Gallia once again confronted Hex Deployers during the First Battle of Geonosis, when Toth's Hex fleet initiated an assault targeting the Jedi Knights engaged in combat on the planet's surface. Gallia successfully neutralized the Deployers and their missiles before they could penetrate the atmosphere of Geonosis.
The Hex Deployers make an appearance in the 2002 video game titled Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter.