Sol Sixxa

Sol Sixxa, originating from Maramere, was a male Mere who rose to prominence as the head of the Mere Resistance. He allied himself with Nym, a pirate captain, to wage war against the Trade Federation within the confines of the Karthakk system.


Sixxa's Scurrg H-6 bomber

Eight years following the Invasion of Naboo, Sol Sixxa eliminated the Neimoidian named Toat and successfully retrieved an experimental cloaking device from the starship Syren, which he then installed on his own ship, the Revenant. Sixxa propagated tales suggesting he was a spectral being, leveraging his ship's cloaking capabilities to amplify his notoriety. However, the Mere leadership grew increasingly suspicious of him, fearing that upon defeating the Trade Federation, he would turn against the people of Maramere. Consequently, Loreli Ro was tasked with hiring Nym, a local pirate, with the explicit goal of subduing Sol Sixxa.

Despite Nym's initial confrontation with the imposing Mere, he discovered that they shared a mutual objective: the downfall of the Trade Federation. After Nym demonstrated his superior cunning, the two decided to collaborate, with Nym assuming command. Sixxa subsequently became a valuable asset, achieving victory over Harro Ruuk on Maramere, and later participating in both the siege of Nod Kartha and the conflict against Cavik Toth above Geonosis.

Personality and traits

Sixxa possessed a ruthless and fierce nature, prepared to undertake any action to eradicate the Trade Federation. He also demonstrated shrewdness, manipulating rumors to his advantage. Following his defeat by Nym in combat, he consented to join forces under Nym's leadership, and subsequently achieved numerous triumphs against the Droid Army. Sixxa served as a pilot of a Scurrg H-6 prototype bomber.

Behind the scenes

Jason London lent his voice to the character of Sol Sixxa in the video game Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter.

