Reti, a verbose male Toydarian technician, was active during the Naboo Invasion. He later became a member of the Lok Revenants, serving under the pirate leader Nym.
Reti earned his living as a salvage pilot, operating his ship, called the Zoomer, around the Naboo and Karthakk systems. He was known for his constant chatter and liked to boast that he had shot down sixteen droid starfighters during the Naboo Invasion. Despite his claims, Reti was actually a nervous and timid individual, although he was a competent pilot when flying the Zoomer. He maintained contacts throughout the galaxy, including the mercenary Vana Sage and a grumpy Toydarian scrap dealer on Tatooine. Earlier in his life, Reti had worked as a mercenary on Oovo IV.
Before the Battle of Naboo, Reti helped Bravo Squadron pilot Rhys Dallows after the young pilot's starfighter was damaged by a mercenary squadron in the Chommell sector. Reti towed Dallows' fighter to Vana Sage's base, and subsequently joined the pilots in missions against the Trade Federation forces. He also flew alongside Nym and joined his Revenants after the Battle of Naboo.
For the following decade, Reti continued his work and stayed in touch with Nym, considering him a longtime friend. On one occasion, Nym had to rescue Reti from a "dangerous group of mercenaries" known as the Sabaoth Squadron. When Jedi Master Adi Gallia arranged a meeting with Nym to discuss Trade Federation activity in the Karthakk system, Reti was dispatched to meet the Jedi in the Ruby Nebula. Regrettably, despite Reti's objections, a Trade Federation landing craft followed the salvager, but the Jedi and Toydarian collaborated to destroy the vessel. Reti guided Gallia to Nym on Maramere, and—despite his boss's misgivings about the Jedi's presence—they both assisted the pirate in freeing his troops from the notorious Spacestation 1138.
Reti went on several more missions with Adi Gallia, culminating in an attack on the fortified world of Nod Kartha, which housed a large trihexalon factory. Nym's forces were ambushed by the Sabaoth Squadron, but even worse, the lethal Jango Fett arrived from hyperspace in the Slave I to collect a bounty on Reti. Evading laser fire, Reti was forced to activate his hyperdrive in a desperate jump to escape the persistent bounty hunter. His comrades were unable to assist and remained unaware of Reti's final destination.
After the First Battle of Geonosis, where Nym's forces fought Cavik Toth's fleet above the planet, Vana Sage began a search to find Reti or discover what had happened to the unfortunate Toydarian.
Reti was literate in both Toydarian and Huttese. He was also fluent in Galactic Basic Standard, Huttese, Pak Pak, Ryl, and Toydarian.
Wally Wingert provided the voice for Reti in both Star Wars: Starfighter and Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter. In the Prison Break mission of Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, after destroying several frigates, Reti mentions that a "Toydarian on Tatooine" would "pay good credits for this junk." This is likely a reference to Watto, although Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace indicates that Watto does not accept Republic credits. However, Reti's use of "credits" might be a generic slang term for money, similar to the real-world term "cash," which can refer to any form of currency.