Rhys Dallows

Rhys Dallows, hailing from Naboo, was a Human male pilot. He trained under the skilled Essara Till, and was briefly assigned to Bravo Flight just before the Invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation. Feelings began to blossom between Rhys and Essara, but tragedy struck when she was killed during their first mission together by mercenaries working for the Trade Federation. Dallows narrowly escaped with his life, but vowed vengeance against Essara's killer. He subsequently joined forces with a diverse group consisting of mercenary Vana Sage, salvager Reti, and pirate Nym, all united in their desire to strike back at the Trade Federation. This quartet of pilots journeyed to the occupied Naboo, where they successfully executed several attacks on Trade Federation forces. Ultimately, Rhys Dallows rejoined Bravo Flight for the final battle of the conflict. Rhys was assigned the mission to destroy the receiver stations of the Trade Federation droid control ship, but the mission devolved into a dangerous ambush when the mercenary ship responsible for Essara's death appeared. Rhys triumphed, destroying the ship and escaping moments before the space station exploded from within. Following the Trade Federation's defeat, Rhys Dallows returned to a liberated Naboo, celebrated as a hero. Many years later, Rhys Dallows became a member of the Naboo Resistance opposing the Galactic Empire.


Early life and early career

Theed, the capital city of Naboo, was the birthplace of Rhys Dallows. Raised by his schoolteacher mother, he never knew his father, a freighter pilot who disappeared on a routine assignment. Despite this loss, Rhys always held the ambition of becoming a space pilot.

Rhys Dallows and Essara Till entering a training canyon in their N-1 starfighters.

As a young man, Rhys enlisted in the starfighter corps of the Royal Naboo Security Forces. He was initially assigned to Echo Flight, a squadron operating N-X Police Cruisers, and designated as Echo Five. In 33 BBY, he participated in the ill-fated battle at Station TFP-9. His performance in that battle led to an invitation to join the prestigious Bravo Flight. Rhys Dallows became a student of Essara Till, the daughter of a prominent Naboo government figure, and began training in the N-1 starfighter. He proved to be a fast learner. After successfully completing Essara's tests in the training canyon she favored, he was selected as her wingman in Bravo Flight as Bravo 10 in 32 BBY. Rhys was also paired with an R2-series astromech droid named Wrench.

Invasion of Naboo

Rhys Dallows' inaugural mission involved Bravo Flight protecting the Naboo Royal Starship while Queen Amidala attempted negotiations with the Trade Federation regarding the Blockade of Naboo. What was expected to be a routine assignment turned deadly when mercenaries flying Dagger-class, MorningStar, and Dianoga-class starfighters launched an attack. The Queen escaped, but Rhys' N-1 starfighter sustained heavy damage, and Essara was killed by a mercenary who arrived late to the battle.

Rhys Dallows, Nym, Vana Sage and Reti arrived at the occupied Naboo

Fortunately, a Toydarian salvager named Reti rescued Rhys, bringing him to the base of Vana Sage for extensive repairs to his fighter. After rescuing Vana, Rhys learned that the Trade Federation was responsible for the attempt on the Queen's life and was constructing a Droid Army at a massive factory on Eos. Aided by Vana, Reti, and the Feeorin pirate captain Nym, leader of the Lok Revenants with a strong grudge against the Federation, he embarked on a mission to destroy the Eos factory. In addition to Dallows' N-1 starfighter, the other pilots provided their own ships for the upcoming battles: Nym's Scurrg H-6 prototype bomber Havoc, Vana's starfighter Guardian Mantis, and Reti's light freighter Zoomer. Upon reaching Eos, the team divided into two groups: Vana and Nym attacked the foundries, while Rhys and Reti drew away the planet's defense squadrons of Scarab-class and Vulture-class droid starfighters by attacking orbital satellites and Federation freighters. Although the attack succeeded, Rhys soon discovered that the Trade Federation had initiated its invasion of Naboo.

By the time they arrived, Naboo had fallen, but a Resistance movement had emerged, which Rhys quickly joined. Upon arriving in the Naboo system, Rhys and his new allies attacked a Trade Federation convoy and successfully stole its cargo. Rhys then escorted Reti and his stolen supplies to a Resistance base, but a Trade Federation army disrupted their efforts, forcing Rhys to utilize his N-1 as a ground attack craft within the narrow canyons—a task for which it was not designed—to protect the base. Following this, he was assigned to lead a flight of N-1s providing air support for rescue boats attempting to liberate Naboo citizens from Trade Federation concentration camps. Despite the presence of gunboats, turrets, droid starfighters, bombers, and a dropship carrying Armored Assault Tanks, Rhys persevered.

Rhys Dallows and Anakin Skywalker escape the droid control ship just before it explodes.

Following a brief appearance over the main Resistance base to provide Nym with the necessary space to destroy the massive Federation army attacking the base, Rhys joined the remaining members of Bravo Flight for a desperate assault on the droid control ship Vuutun Palaa. It was a desperate battle, a few inexperienced Naboo pilots in ships designed for dogfighting against waves upon waves of computerized starfighters and the deadly array of weaponry aboard the enemy command ship. By concentrating on destroying the receiver dish stations needed to launch fighters, Bravo Flight had managed to gain a little room to maneuver when the same mercenary leader who had killed Essara Till appeared on the scene. After a brief battle, the mercenary ducked inside the enemy hangar when the shields were lowered to launch a lander. Bravo Flight followed, but only Rhys was able to get inside before the shields were raised again. Alone, in a tight space, and with all the fighters and tanks yet to embark training their guns on him along with a mercenary planning to finish him off, Rhys' chances were looking pretty slim. Amazingly, he not only survived, but managed to demolish a huge amount of war materiel, kill the mercenary to avenge Essara, and escape the exploding warship courtesy of a few well-placed shots to the vessel's portside power grid. The destruction of the droid control ship resulted in the complete deactivation of the Trade Federation Droid Army on Naboo and in a humiliating defeat for the Trade Federation.

Rhys Dallows says farewell to Nym

With the battle for Naboo concluded, Rhys Dallows resumed his duties with the Royal Naboo Security Forces. Nym received a pardon from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine for his past crimes and was offered a position in the RSF, as was Vana Sage. While Vana accepted the offer to remain on Naboo, Nym soon departed to deliver supplies to his crew. However, the Feeorin stayed long enough to extend an invitation to Rhys, suggesting that he join the Lok Revenants if he ever tired of life in paradise.

Galactic Civil War

Rhys Dallows continued his service with the RSF for decades. Following the Declaration of a New Order, he sympathized with the rebellion against the Galactic Empire, eventually joining the Naboo Resistance and rising to the rank of captain. In 1 ABY, during the Galactic Civil War, Captain Dallows recommended a group of Rebel Alliance operatives to Pooja Naberrie, the leader of the Naboo Resistance. Later, he dispatched Officer Turon Adala, a subordinate within the RSF and fellow resistance member, to Pooja Naberrie in Dee'ja Peak to ensure the security of a secret conference of the Naboo Resistance.

Behind the scenes

Rhys Dallows cut depiction from Star Wars Galaxies

Rhys Dallows made his debut in "The Starfighter Trap," a short story featured in the first issue of Star Wars Gamer in November 2000. This story served as an introduction to the 2001 video game Star Wars: Starfighter, where Rhys Dallows was one of the three main characters. Darren Scott provided Dallows' voice in the game.

Unused dialogue files in Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter indicate that Rhys Dallows and his Bravo Flight wingmen were initially intended to participate in the space battle over Geonosis in the final mission, "The Jedi Master," as part of Nym's reinforcements. Darren Scott was set to reprise his role.

Rhys Dallows received a mention in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its closure on December 15, 2011. Rhys Dallows was planned to appear in the game as a non-player character but was ultimately excluded. Nevertheless, an emulated depiction pulled from this character's Interchange File Format reveals what she would have looked like if he was added to the game. Captain Rhys Dallows would have been present on Naboo as a prelude to additional quests given by Senator Pooja Naberrie. He was intended to propose four quests to Rebel players: eliminate a bounty hunter, destroy a warehouse, escort RSF Captain Meiro Wellightner, and eliminate a storm commando. Pooja Naberrie indirectly referenced the existence of these quests within the game.

