Naboo resistance base

A resistance outpost served as a strategic location for the Royal Naboo Security Forces amidst the Invasion of Naboo which occurred in 32 BBY.


This particular base was comprised of multiple structures that were safeguarded by a deflector shield generator. Positioned on the exterior of the protective shield, the outpost was further defended by a series of laser turrets. A mountain provided a natural defensive structure on one of its sides.


In 32 BBY, when the Trade Federation initiated an invasion of Naboo, the Royal Naboo Security Forces were compelled to protect their planet by any means available to them. The Security Forces utilized the outpost situated near the Great Grass Plains as a central hub during the conflict. Following the Queen's return to Naboo, she allied with the Gungan Grand Army with the goal to retake the planet. As a countermeasure, the Trade Federation Droid Army dispatched three distinct strike forces to engage the Gungans. Army B outflanked the Great Grass Plains and subsequently found the resistance outpost. A Naboo scout alerted the outpost, prompting the activation of its defensive systems. The Federation's Heavy Artillery Guns then began their assault on the turrets. The pirate Nym, along with his wingmate Vana Sage, entered the fray and confronted the attacking Federation forces, ultimately forcing the Federation army to retreat. The defeat of this Federation unit enabled the Gungans to maintain their position while the Security Forces successfully destroyed the Droid Control Ship in orbit, bringing an end to the invasion.

Behind the scenes

This outpost was featured in the next-to-last mission, entitled "Last Stand on Naboo," within the 2001 video game Star Wars: Starfighter.

