Naboo Resistance (Galactic Civil War)

The Naboo Resistance was a resistance movement against the Galactic Empire. It operated on the planet of Naboo throughout the Galactic Civil War. Former senator Pooja Naberrie headed the movement, which maintained an alliance with the Alliance to Restore the Republic while functioning independently.


Pooja Naberrie, leader of the Naboo Resistance

The Naboo Resistance stood in opposition to the Galactic Empire's control over Naboo. While their numbers were relatively small, their dedication was immense. During the Galactic Civil War, they were allied with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, yet they preserved their autonomy. Despite this independence, close cooperation and information sharing were common between the Rebel Alliance forces stationed in the Chommell sector and the Naboo Resistance. The Empire heavily targeted the rebels.

The Naboo Resistance on Naboo came to be through the combined efforts of liberal Naboo and Gungan activists. Numerous Naboo nobles and aristocrats lent their support to the movement, with some, including Pooja Naberrie and Lim Paddu, taking on prominent roles. The Royal Naboo Security Forces also harbored sympathizers and members within their ranks, such as Captain Rhys Dallows and Officer Turon Adala. Furthermore, the Naboo Resistance relied on a network of informants and covert operatives scattered across Naboo.


By the time the Battle of Yavin occurred, Pooja Naberrie, a former senator representing Naboo in the Imperial Senate and the niece of the deceased Queen Padmé Amidala, was leading the Naboo Resistance. Her most trusted confidante and advisor within the Resistance was her bodyguard, Kima Nazith.

In 1 ABY, High Inquisitor Mal Sikander of the Empire began to suspect Pooja Naberrie's involvement with the Naboo Resistance. This forced the former senator and Kima Nazith to seek refuge for a period in Dee'ja Peak, a secluded city nestled in the Gallo Mountains, favored by individuals opposing the Empire. While there, Nazith thwarted Sikander's attempts to pinpoint the senator's location. Kima Nazith, along with a group of Rebel Alliance operatives, assassinated Benbul Leedee, a Gungan informant who had been captured by the Empire, before he could divulge any information to the Inquisitor. Subsequently, they eliminated Hrodius Goragg, the bounty hunter hired by Inquisitor Sikander to track down the senator. Eventually, the Rebel operatives engaged and killed Kunn Kuroosh, a Dark Side Adept and presumed Sith sorcerer, who was investigating the rebel presence in Dee'ja Peak.

Meanwhile, Naberrie actively organized a gathering of Naboo nobles who were sympathetic to the Naboo Resistance, aiming to persuade them to take a more active role in the rebellion. The Rebel Alliance supported this meeting by sending Herosk Bal'far, a Bothan aide to Mon Mothma and a celebrated hero of the Rebellion, as a guest of honor, along with several Rebel operatives to assist with the organization. However, a series of unfortunate events led to the Empire compromising the conference before it even commenced. Gizda Ramani, a Rebel pilot, was shot down by the Empire while carrying information about the meeting between the Naboo Resistance and the Rebel Alliance. Upon arriving on Naboo, the rebel Herosk Bal'far was identified and became a wanted target for Imperial forces. Jumis, a servant of the noble Lim Paddu, was attacked by stormtroopers while carrying clearance codes for the meeting. Turon Adala, an RSF Officer responsible for the conference's security, sustained injuries in a firefight with patrolling stormtroopers. Lastly, Lim Paddu, the Naboo noble most dedicated to the Resistance, was apprehended by Imperial troops during a routine identity check. Fortunately for Naberrie, the Rebel Alliance operatives managed to rescue all these individuals alive before the Empire could extract any information from them. Ultimately, the conclave commenced in a secret location near Dee'ja Peak. Despite initial appearances of success, Naberrie discovered during the meeting that Melloc Fitzal's servant, one of the conference participants, was secretly working as an agent for the Imperial Security Bureau. However, the man managed to slip away undetected before the rebels realized he was a spy. The group of rebel operatives immediately pursued the spy, but they arrived too late to prevent him from joining a group of storm commando in the Naboo wilderness. During the ensuing confrontation, the rebel strike team successfully eliminated Fitzal and his escort. Finally, the conference concluded without further incident, and all participants safely returned from the meeting.

Behind the scenes

The Naboo Resistance made its debut in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011.

