Herosk Bal'far, a Bothan male, existed during the Galactic Civil War era. After the Battle of Yavin around 0 BBY, Pooja Naberrie charged a spacer with the task of finding Bal'far and bringing him back to Dee'ja Peak, a city located on Naboo. Despite an assault by both stormtroopers and Imperial Army troopers, the mission given by Naberrie was ultimately a success.
Within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, Herosk Bal'far appeared as a non-player character. This massively multiplayer online role-playing game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011.
Players undertaking a string of quests for Pooja Naberrie were required to locate Bal'far and ensure his safe return to Dee'ja Peak. A software error caused the NPCs in Naberrie's quests to be improperly ordered. In the Bal'far escort quest, players instead encountered Jumis, a character intended for the subsequent quest. Similarly, the Herosk Bal'far character model mistakenly appeared in Naberrie's sixth and last quest, where the player was intended to meet Melloc Fitzal. The game's code showed that Bal'far (actually Jumis) could not be properly escorted because the character was not flagged as an "escort" NPC. However, players could still finish the mission and proceed to the next quest. This writing assumes that the dialogue from Naberrie's quest is considered canon within the Star Wars Legends universe, and that Bal'far, not Jumis, was the character encountered during her second quest.
Additionally, because Herosk Bal'far used the generic "noble" template, his appearance was randomly selected from forty-two possibilities. The species that Bal'far could appear as included Bothans, Humans, Rodians, Trandoshans, Twi'leks, and Zabrak, in either gender. Given that the quest dialogue identified Bal'far as a male Bothan, this article assumes that the randomly chosen male Bothan appearance is canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity. The questline involving Bal'far was later removed when Pooja Naberrie was moved to Theed as part of the Legacy Quest, which was introduced with the New Game Enhancements in Publish 25's update on November 15, 2005.